New memory and compute optimized hardware options in Azure SQL Database
Published Nov 04 2019 05:00 AM 7,531 Views

Now in preview, M-series and Fsv2-series are new hardware generations in Azure SQL Database specialized for workloads requiring very high compute or memory scale, or very fast CPU speed.  Gen5 in SQL Database continues to provide a balanced compute and memory option that is well-suited for typical workloads.


M-series: memory optimized hardware

M-series (preview) is a new memory optimized hardware option in SQL Database for workloads demanding more memory and higher compute limits than provided by Gen5.  M-series provides 29 GB per vcore and 128 vcores which increases the previous memory limit in SQL Database by 8x to nearly 4 TB.


Fsv2-series: compute optimized hardware

Fsv2-series (preview) is a new compute optimized hardware option in SQL Database delivering low CPU latency and high clock speed for the most CPU demanding workloads.  Depending on the workload, Fsv2-series can deliver more CPU performance per vcore than Gen5.  The 72 vcore size can also provide more CPU performance for less cost than 80 vcores on Gen5.  Note that Fsv2 provides less memory and tempdb per vcore than other hardware so workloads sensitive to those limits may want to consider Gen5 or M-series instead.


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Copper Contributor

Sounds great and very interseting!

Is there any limitation/restrication regarding switching an elastic pool from Gen5 to Fsv2 ?

It seems when we want to proceed to the upgrade, it select by default 72 vcores. Is it a bug or this feature necesseraly requires to buy 72 vcore?


Thank you very much for your help.


There are no restrictions in moving from Gen5 to Fsv2 other than restrictions associated with the General Purpose service tier.  72 vcores is the only compute size currently available for Fsv2 although smaller sizes are under consideration in the future.

Copper Contributor

Thank you for your prompt answer.

Ok it is clear, 72vcore was not specified to be for the moment the only compute size.

We will follow closely once "smaller size" will be considered.


Copper Contributor

Any idea of when we will be able to provision an Azure SQL Elastic Pool on M Series with 8 vCore Business Critical? We really could benefit from the new hardware but only need 8, 16, or 24vcore - 128 is simply just way too much. 


Thanks for the feedback.  Providing smaller M-series compute sizes in the future is under consideration.

Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 07 2019 11:13 AM
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