Forum Discussion

AlexanderHall85's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 19, 2020

Giving feedback to students once they have completed a Form.

I am a new user and am currently working with both Teams and Forms.
I have created Forms and attached them to a Quiz in Microsoft Teams. My students have completed the quiz and I have gone through and added a comment to every answer. My question is how do my students get to view me individual comments. When the assignment is returned to the student, when they click on their link it just says that they can't complete the form because they can only answer once.


How can students view my feedback for each answer?

  • millerblair's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    AlexanderHall85 There is an easy solution to your problem. It is possible for students to see there feedback on individual questions through Teams. It has to do with the type of form created and assigned. If you want students to see individual feedback then when you create the Form, you have to create a Quiz type Form, as opposed to a Form type Form regardless whether the Form is being used to collect information or is being marked as a Quiz. When you create the assignment in Teams (Assignments tab>Create>Quiz) you can then attach the Quiz Form that you created.

    Students will be able to see the individual question feedback when you return the Assignment. I find it is helpful to paste in a generic comment to the Overall feedback box saying something along the lines of "Please see the individual questions for specific feedback". 

    Unfortunately, this doesn't solve the problem for any previously created Forms. You might want to see my post and the discussion here for a solution on getting the feedback from previously created Forms in an Excel sheet

    However, if you create the Forms all as quizzes in the future, it will avoid the issue. No need to PowerAutomate or create Flows here:)

  • AlexanderHall85 


    I have conducted many quizzes and it is super easy for the students to see our feedback.


    All they need to do is first login to with their ID and after logging in, then they should once again click the link of the quiz.


    Do make sure that you post their scores before they click the link again. If you need help on how to post scores, let me know.

  • Damien_Rosario's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Hi AlexanderHall85 and co


    Using Quiz in Forms does allow the capturing and showing of the answers and comments to the students.


    The issue is when you create the Forms tab in Microsoft Teams, it is only set to collecting responses. 


    The solution would be to go into Forms design view, get the Share link and send it to your students (or post it in the Channel where the Quiz tab is). That will take them to the results.


    Here's s the high level steps to try:


    1. After you Review answers and post your feedback, head over to Post scores.



    2. Under Not yet posted, tick the quiz (or select all) and click Post scores. Note that you can also preview the results before posting to see what the students will see.



    3. Go back to Form design page and click onto Share and under Send and collect responses, click Copy.



    4. Go into your Channel in Microsoft Teams, @team (to ensure all students will be notified), paste the forms link and post your message.


    This should allow the students to see the final result and your well drafted comments.



    Hope that does the trick?


    Cheers and best wishes


    • dweber810's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Damien_Rosario I have tried this and the share link doesn't work after posting selected responses, it just takes me back to the original form to fill out again. Can you help? 

      Also, is it possible to clarify whether, when this method works, one respondent can see everyone's feedback, or whether individual respondents can only see the feedback for their response? 


      Thanks in advance, 


      • Csin16's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        HI, I'm not an expert, but the method should work.  You need to make sure that when you create the form you have set the settings so that students can only submit one response.  Then when they click the link again it will only take them to their completed form.   I hope this helps.


        As far as I can tell they can only see their own form and feedback.dweber810 

    • Melsie_T's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      Thanks this was really helpful- but, will this mean that all respondents will be able to see each others grades and comments?  



    • DebiWood's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Thank you for the solution, I have yet to try it but at least it should be a work around,  Cheers

  • Roy_Clarke's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    AlexanderHall85 We are having the same problem here.


    Has any one found a video, or set of instructions, another teacher/lecturer has put up on how to use share point with teams? 

  • RobElliott's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    AlexanderHall85 within Forms itself that isn't possible. What you would need to do is to save the Forms response to a SharePoint list via a flow in Power Automate. That list would need a column for your comment. Then when your comment is added i.e the SharePoint list item is modified - the flow would trigger and send an email to the form responder with their answers and your comment.


    Let me know if you need the detailed steps to make this happen.


    Los Gallardos
    Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User

    • houstondavid25's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Hi I was looking at your suggested trouble shoot.


      I don't think I can use flow to resolve my problem. 


      I make the forms (in forms obviously) but then assign them in assignments in microsoft teams. Am I right in saying the troubleshoot you suggest does not work. I would have to set them the link and then make all my feedback in Forms rather than Teams?


      Alexander, I saw that you posted in another forum about this where the Microsoft Engineers seemed to be none the wiser of this issue. Did you get anywhere with it?


      Thanks in advance

      • LGT73's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        • houstondavid25 I THINK we can. The Forms we set as assignments are found in a different section of FORMS, under groups.


          I have yet to test this out myself, but if you access the Form through there, hopefully it will work ok
    • DebiWood's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      RobElliott i would like to know the steps for this please, as currently using forms for quizzes and need to feed back to the learners.

    • MissWilson's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      this is exactly what I am going to attempt to do. cant use assignments on Teams as whoever set up the platforms added channels instead of actual classes, so now I am going to create some questions via Forms but I would also like to be able to give feedback. I was aware that you probably cannot do this with Forma but i'm not clear on this Share Point feature RobElliott 

      • RobElliott's avatar
        Silver Contributor

        MissWilson DebiWood I'll post up the steps as quickly as possible, hopefully later today.


        Los Gallardos
        Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User
