Dec 06 2018 06:10 AM
Hi, I got a similar problem as this thread:
But, we are unable to see or remove people on the same tenant that has been given access to a document. Well, we can see the user who got access if we go to advanced settings, but we cant remove individual people in the same organization.
It works as a charm when we share outside our organization - we are able to see who got access and can remove the access without having to enter advanced settings.
Currently the only way we are able to remove access to a shared file is to remove everyone's access and give back access to those in need, but I'm guessing this will be a bit tiresome after a while.
Is there anyone else who have noticed the same and have an issue with this?
Br, Thomas H
Dec 06 2018 08:17 AM
Dec 06 2018 08:38 AM
We know that this is how it currently works, but the company I'm currently working with have people leaving and joining teams. When they leave the team they don't want them to longer have access to the file, and they don't want everyone on the said team to be able to see it.
So, therefore, they need to give specific permissions to people.
As an example: If they have 70 members in a team and give 15 people access to view the confidential file, they have to remove everyone and resubmit the new link to the others if one leaves the team and shall no longer have access to said file.
What are other companies doing in this scenario?
Dec 06 2018 08:45 AM
Dec 06 2018 08:46 AM
Dec 06 2018 08:47 AM
Dec 06 2018 08:49 AM
Dec 06 2018 08:53 AM
Dec 07 2018 12:22 AM
Just to clarify what I see. When I highlight the file I get this:
The user on the far right is "Anne".
When I then press "Manage access", this is shown:
As you can see, the user "Anne" is not here. "ADM Anne G" is not the same account.
When we then go into advanced settings:
- Here, "Anne" is located, but we can't target her specifically and remove permissions. Imagine this file had 15-30 other people listed with permissions.
We cannot target "Anne" specifically in the 'Manage links' section either.
This is basically the problem we have.
Even choosing "Share with specific people", you cant remove a user who is in the tenant without stripping everyones access. But as I said, when the user is located outside the tenant, you can.
Dec 14 2023 12:19 AM - edited Dec 14 2023 12:20 AM
Hi, I am the member of a private teams channel. Documents hosted in Sharepoint. I gave someone who is not on the teams channel a direct edit access to a file.
I realized later that it should have been view access. That person does not know and I want to remove the access. It is not allowing me to change the access to view or remove the access. Why is that?