Teams not loading in Chrome or Edge

Copper Contributor



Since a week ago my Teams stopped loading in Chrome or Edge, it only works in Firefox.
I have tried all the things I found in forums:

1. Chrome is up to date

2. Cookies are enabled
3. Cleared data

4. Opened in incognito, with no extensions

5. Resetted Chrome, installed again


Looking in DevTools, what I can see is that some cookies (it seems like authentication cookies) from the domain (with initial dot) are present only in Firefox.

Chrome only shows cookies from and


Console from Chrome also shows error in POST api authz (error 411), which does not happen in Firefox and looks related to the cookie problem.


Last thing: web apps like Outlook, ToDo and Forms are loading ok. Those linked to onedrive (excel, onedrive, word, onenote) the page keeps loading, but does not shows error page or in console. Everything works in Firefox.


Appreciate any ideas.



21 Replies
It is great that some have found that disabling Bitdefender resolves the issue for them, but I do not have Bitdefender enabled on my machine. I happen to be using a Linux workstation and I am having the same problem, with not working solution.


We found a solution to the same issue. There are two desktop apps, Microsoft Teams Classic and Microsoft Teams (work or school).


Without Microsoft Teams Classic, Microsoft Teams (work or school) is not detected by Chrome. The key is to have both installed and linked to the same Microsoft account, so Microsoft Teams Classic is detected by Chrome and auto redirected to Microsoft Teams (work or school).


I hope this helps.