Forum Discussion

Andrea2023's avatar
Brass Contributor
Nov 06, 2023

Status does not update (New Teams)


We've been testing the new Teams before we roll it out more widely. We have noticed that your status does not update consistently with the new Teams, as in, here is one scenario as an example

  1. I'm showing as available and somebody calls me (working well at this point)
  2. I pick up the call and when I do I show as busy (still all going well)
  3. I present during the call and the status changes to do not disturb (so far so good still)
  4. I end the call, but my status stays as do not disturb indefinitely until I click on reset status. (this is the behaviour that didn't used to happen in classic Teams)

All throughout the above I did not manually change my status; it was just updating automatically as my activity changed, but did not update in the end when my call ended.


Is anyone else experiencing this and is there a way to fix this?



