Jan 24 2023 02:50 AM
Anybody have better understanding why the calendar(mailbox) with following details:
ResourceType : Room
RecipientTypeDetails : RoomMailbox
does not appear into Teams meeting booking under the location? There was also an article from Ali about this: Creating Room List to add Location in Teams Calendar and he is saying: "Sometimes when we create a Room Mailbox in Exchange Online it does not appear under the “Add location” section of the MS Team".
Is it really the Room list only option to get rooms visible on Teams?
When scheduling meeting on Outlook/OWA the rooms are available just normally. Even Outlook and Teams are different products, I still wish to see that basic features should be working equally.
Jan 24 2023 04:59 AM
@Petri-X You need to add the room to a room list. Why is that a challenge ?
Jan 24 2023 05:17 AM
Actually, I believe the correct answer is, Microsoft Teams is using the service what Microsoft Outlook is using when booking a meeting:
Use the Scheduling Assistant and Room Finder for meetings in Outlook.
This then leads to similar issues on Outlook:
Room Finder in Outlook doesn't display any conference rooms when a user creates a meeting
when the Room Lists has not been implemented.
I must have missed some M365 messages where this requirement has been share.
Aug 19 2024 11:39 AM
Likely because we are a small shop, ~ a dozen rooms, and having to manually create and modify a rooms list when the Rooms are in Exchange and should be referenced from their directly. The calendar in Teams seems to have no problems with the rooms names for meeting created in Outlook. So why should Teams be any different?
A room list is just additional overhead for something that organizations shouldn't have to maintain.