Forum Discussion

MWalmsley's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 07, 2020

Guest Access to Scheduled channel meetings if they join Team after meeting created

Hi All, 


I'm using Microsoft Teams to host a seminar series.  I have created a team for the series and added presenters first.  Almost all presenters and subsequent attendees are guests rather than joining the team via my institutional affiliation (Higher education license in UK).  I created channels for each of the seminar events with the idea that folks could talk in those channels before and after the live events.  I then created channel meetings where I did not invite particular people, but instead invited the channel.  None of the channels are private, so each channel invite essentially invites the whole team. Those that were already in the team at that point got calendar invites and have accepted/declined etc.


My issue came when adding the attendees.  My first issue was having to add these one-by-one as there doesn't seem to be a way of just pasting in multiple email addresses as you can with almost every other software of this type (including Microsoft products).  Then it appears that while members of my institution can click on the meeting items that appear in each channel and add these to their calendar, those that are guests cannot.  I have no idea why this would be different and it doesn't appear to be a setting I can change in the team management settings (but will be happily corrected!)


Having asked attendees to tell me which events they want to sign up to, my next thought was to add them to the meeting.  However, when I go to do this I get hit with the same issue re mass-adding guests (i.e.,it won't let me paste the 50+ attendees in to the meeting).  Do I really have to add each individual to each of the 9 meetings one-by-one? 

I also tried going in to my Outlook app and seeing if I could add folks to the existing meetings there, but while it shows up members who have already accepted, it doesn't give the ability to add more attendees for some reason (the button where you'd normally do this is greyed out).  

The first event is starting on Thursday and I'm running out of ideas on how to easily signpost the meeting attendance to folks.  I'm presuming that they could just navigate to the teams site and join the meeting in the channel like normal channel meetings, but I fear that quite a few won't know how to do this, so putting it in their calendars with an easy link to click would be the preferred solution.  Any and all help much appreciated!

  • Hello MWalmsley   I just noticed that no one in the community was able to respond to your inquiry.  


    It's obviously too late for your meeting, but you might find these references handy for future activities:



    You might also consider creating a Live Event, in which case you would email the attendee link to your email list and you don't have to add them into a meeting in teams.
