Forum Discussion

aevle's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 26, 2022

Word: Updating templates in Assets library not working


I got a Sharepoint Online Assets Library which contains all of our Office templates.

When I update or reupload a template, it doesn't sync to the users who has been using this template before. It seems to be some kind of cache because if I rename the document to something else, it works fine.


The templates have never been replaced or updated before. So, I'm curious on how to manage these templates... it's not very intuitive to give the template a new name every time it has been updated.

I have tried to clear Word cache, but it doesn't work.

  • mmsue's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Exact thing is happening in my organization. I hadn't tried renaming the files so I just did that and had a user test it, and it works! Thanks for the work around but it's a flaw that needs to be addressed.
    • aevle's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      mmsue glad I could help! I use the modification date at the end of the document, to be sure it’s unique.



  • I have the same issue.
    It's strange that you have to give each new template version a unique name because you keep getting the old version otherwise.
    I've tried waiting for a few days and restarting my computer. Then I saved a new template with the old name, but Word gives me the previous template and not the new one.
  • KimBlomberg's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Encountered this issue as well in our org.
    The renaming of templates seems to do the trick and is probably org-wide the most reliable way to get latest version to users.

    As I investigated this I found out that the templates are stored in OfficeFileCache under user's profile. Cleaning the cache does solve the issue locally. I manually removed the content from profile folder directly at %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\16.0\OfficeFileCache but some reports say that it is not recommended as it might delete something which is in queue for upload and Office has not yet uploaded to your files in web 😄

    Didn't test out at this time but this cleanup maybe should also work through Office settings
    File > Options > Save > Cache Settings -> Delete cached files

    Instructions on OfficeFileCache found in here
    • DrewLarsonNWPUMP's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      KimBlomberg Wanted to note that using "File > Options > Save > Cache Settings -> Delete cached files" doesn't work for the cached templates. It appears to only work for actual documents (e.g. clear out drafts or files that were downloaded and haven't been used in a while by the user).


      Template cache is unfortunately still only something that can be cleared via the folder method, or avoided altogether by making sure to give the updated template a new name to force a download of the template.

  • somestring's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Did anyone find a better solution for this? We are experiencing the same thing. I didn't want to add the templates with a new name, because people were getting errors when the old ones were removed. But now they don't get the new ones. I don't want to clear cache for all 800 employees.

    • DrewLarsonNWPUMP's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      They'll only get errors if they keep using the quick access shortcut (which shows up after first using the template).

      They should be advised to look into the correct template folder, when the template errors out from the quick access area in the New tab.
