Forum Discussion

Jim_Currier__NPL's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 13, 2023

Office Script Not Working

Hi Community Team,


I have a script on a Excel sheet in one drive, simple script just to clear a range of cells of contents.

Works fine for me, but although others can access and edit shared file, the script set up to clear cells does not work.

Script seems to be shared too.

Any ideas?

  • rzaneti's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Hi Jim_Currier__NPL ,


    Are your users calling the script through a button? If yes, is it show the "Running script" message? If yes, does it generate any error logs(it usually appears at the red strip, on the top of your spreadsheets)?

    • Jim_Currier__NPL's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi rzaneti ,


      Yes its through a button.

      I've asked a couple of people to test it for me to see if they get any error messages.

      Will let you know.


      • Jim_Currier__NPL's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Hi rzaneti 


        Just tested with another user, the script does not even appear to show on their version.

        No error messages, just as if the script is not there.


        Kind Regards,
