Forum Discussion

Kat_Lane's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 05, 2021

Conditional Formatting in Sharepoint List based on expiry date within 30 days



I have a sharepoint list and I've added conditional formatting to the Expiry Date column to indicate that the date has passed - it's bold, larger font and red in colour.


I also want to add conditional formatting to indicate that something is due to expire within the next 30 days but unfortunately I can only choose today or a specified date and can't alter those at all.  Ideally it would look exactly the same as the expired date above, only the text will be orange in colour.


I use this formatting in a specific view as well to be able to see at a glance the items that are expired or still need to be signed off on for each employee, so I would want this to show up there as well so that we know what's coming up to expire and what we need to chase copies of.

Any suggestions?  JSON code? (which I'm a complete novice at)  I've tried piecing something together from various other posts but I'm not familiar enough with it to have any idea of what I'm doing.


Thank you in advance.

  • RobElliott's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Kat_Lane go to "Format this column", switch to advanced mode then paste in the following JSON and click Save:


      "$schema": "",
      "elmType": "div",
      "txtContent": "@currentField",
      "style": {
        "color": "=if(@currentField <= @now, 'red',if(@currentField <= @now + 2592000000 && @currentField > @now,'orange','green'))"




    With an extra line in the style section you can make the red bold, the orange semi-bold and the rest normal:

      "$schema": "",
      "elmType": "div",
      "txtContent": "@currentField",
      "style": {
        "color": "=if(@currentField <= @now, 'red',if(@currentField <= @now + 2592000000 && @currentField > @now,'orange','green'))",
        "font-weight": "=if(@currentField <= @now, 'bold',if(@currentField <= @now + 2592000000 && @currentField > @now,'semi-bold','normal'))"


    Los Gallardos
    Intranet, SharePoint and Power Platform Manager (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)

    • MattBenson's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      RobElliott hope you are well!


      Have been following on this thread and have a question if you could please help me, have tried searching with no result!

      The code below works for me with the traffic light system, just on the orange color - how would I express now (today) plus 6 months then orange?


      Hope that makes sense, and thank you for the help! 🙂 

      • Kat_Lane's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Hi MattBenson,


        When I used the code provided, all I did was copy & paste it across, not really understanding the components.  After a little googling, I found that in my code (above), the number 2592000000 actually represents 30 days in milliseconds.


        If I use my code and change that number to represent 6 months in milliseconds (15778800000), it will change my expiry date column to make anything that expires within the next 6 months orange and bold.


        This is what I used to calculate the time -


        And this is the code I used, altered to allow for 6 months instead of 30 days. 


        "$schema": "",
        "elmType": "div",
        "txtContent": "@currentField",
        "style": {
        "color": "=if(@currentField <= @now, 'crimson',if(@currentField <= @now + 15778800000 && @currentField > @now,'orange','black'))",
        "font-weight": "=if(@currentField <= @now, 'bold',if(@currentField <= @now + 15778800000 && @currentField > @now,'bold','normal'))",
        "font-size": "=if(@currentField <= @now, '14px',if(@currentField <= @now + 15778800000 && @currentField > @now,'14px','normal'))"


        This will format any date in my 'Expiry Date' column as follows:

        Expiry date before today is bold & crimson

        Expiry date in the next 6 months is bold & orange

        Expiry date more than 6 months from today is regular & black


        I hope that helps.

    • Kat_Lane's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      RobElliottit worked!  Thank you so much :stareyes:


      I was even able to tweak it to show both red and orange as bold, change the colour to a deeper shade of red and increase the font size - perfect!  I have now lost the grey and white alternating lines, because that was set using OOTB conditional formatting.  How would I add that back in without losing the rest of the formatting that we've added?


      However... I can't get it to work in gallery view.

      Because I've set this view to only show the items that need attention - unsigned, expired or due to expire (within 30 days), I was able to use the OOTB conditional formatting, but it must have overwritten the code as it changed the list view.  Because I was formatting the dates purely as today, before today or after today, it worked for this restricted view, but not for the full list, colouring items that didn't need colouring.


      Oddly enough when I change this restricted view to show in list or compact list, it works perfectly, pulling across the conditonal formatting from the code.  So why doesn't it work in the gallery view?


      Yes, I could change it to show as list or compact list, but I do like the gallery view for this information as it makes it obvious to the user that they're in this view.  Some of the people who are required to edit this list are not very SharePoint (or tech for that matter) savvy, and I would worry about them trying to 'get back' to what they saw before, even though I've set up the views they will need so it's just a few clicks to change.


      Any ideas?

      • danielr225's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        Did you find a solution to the galley issue? I have the same problem.
