May 18 2023 12:22 AM
Good day to you all!
I have a standard sharepoint site, no external solutions or anything like that.
The problem I have is that some users, despite having the highest permissions, do not see the "Export to Excel" tab.
Can you tell me what could be happening?
Best regards!
May 18 2023 12:43 AM
The "Export to Excel" option in SharePoint Online allows users to export data from lists or libraries to an Excel file. If some users are unable to see the "Export to Excel" tab, there could be a few potential causes:
Clearing the cache is a common troubleshooting step that can help resolve various browser-related issues. First of all, clear the cache for the users who have the problem and restart, and if this didn't help, then try the next steps.
Please remember to always test any changes or updates in a non-production environment before applying them to your live SharePoint site.
May 18 2023 05:15 AM
@rci97 Are you facing this issue for single list/library or all lists/libraries in your SharePoint site?
How you have created the list where you are facing this issue, manually from SharePoint UI/programmatically/migration tool/excel import?
Did you deactivate any feature at site level or site collection level?
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Oct 29 2023 12:46 PM
I have the same problem (new to managing sharepoint)
I've had success (sort of, if you disregard it changing central time to pacific time) with a tiny test excel, but my goal is creating a list from an excel file on sharepoint that is updated daily. The excel file comes from a client (it's a work assignment list that goes out a couple of months). I manually copy the file (it comes as an email attachment) and past values into the existing sheet. When I do this it formats a date column (formatted as date) into the integer value for the date, only with a decimal point before the last 2 digits on the right.
So I thought I would experiment by exporting from the sharepoint excel file to list but also do not have the export option. I'm using Windows 10.
Permission settings confirm I have full control over this excel file.
I'm confused why List doesn't have more formatting options for numbers as well.