Aug 05 2023 02:22 AM
I am helping to "lift a company into the digital world", and I am quite hampered by SharePoint lists and features. I know one should try and separate causes, but it seems to be that SharePoint as a whole "in my operation" must have gotten a whack, but I cannot understand it. The issues relate to multiple list on multiple teamsites.
Issue 1. Choice column. Used to work perfectly.
I have tried to add, and to edit. When I save it says that changes has been saved to the column but it does not appear. Some of the changes were made over 24 hours ago.
T1 - Fix is the update to the item that previously was called Fixed by us.
I have tried classic mode, but that does not seem to help either.
Issue 2. Saving / ID
If I had to guess, I would say that attachments doesn't seem to help the issue, small or big does not seem to matter.
In conclusion:
I have been working quite consistently with SharePoin in another organisation for 3 years, and that was for a company that would atleast pack 10.000 times as much data into their SharePoint than what we have, and I have not experience such a "broad" failure. So I guess I must have done something wrong, but is there a way to "troubleshoot" SharePoint within an organisation?
Ps. I have a flow running to add 1000 to any ID that is generated.
Aug 06 2023 10:41 PM
@thhgttg Did you check the browser console if anything suspicious?
I believe some of these actions (Issue#2) are ajax based and might fail if JS is getting blocked or not getting loaded
Aug 10 2023 01:53 PM
@nimesht Hello.
Thank you for your suggestion.
No I did not, but the issue appeared when making the adjustments in the Lists app as well. So could that still be an issue?
As if by magic now, a few days later, things seem to operate as they should. I have made changes that seem to work.
The issue seems to be resolved, but it came out of nowhere, so I don't feel confident it won't reappear at a bad time.