Forum Discussion

Daan_N's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jun 14, 2023

News page views is lower that the page likes, anyone experiencing the same?

Hi There to all,


For about a week now we experience a problem with the page views of newspages, the rollup counter doesnt match with the actual views, and in some cases we see more likes on a page than we see views.

Does any one experience the same issues? 


"Personen vinden dit leuk" translates to likes and "Weergaven" translates to views


SharePoint Online | Europe based The Netherlands

  • Daan_N's avatar
    Jun 19, 2023
    Thank you for your reply, i will open a ticket to at Microsoft.
  • Hi,

    we the same strange behaviour in our tenant. The page views are to low and are updated irregular. Also the page views in the news webprt are inconsistent with the number shown on the page. I will open a ticket at microsoft.
    • Daan_N's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      Thank you for your reply, i will open a ticket to at Microsoft.
    • Daan_N's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      Hi Andreas Ferner,

      Just got a message from one of the editors that all our page views en like counts are back to normal.
  • marcoemme's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Daan_N Yes I'm experiencing the same issue.

    Furthermore, I noticed that views were tracked only for a few users... I have more than 5000 users on my tenant, and usually a newly published news item is viewed every 1-2 minutes but from the last week I noticed that Site Usage is "losing" views. If I visit a specific page, my views weren't tracked.

    And also on the Site Usage page, in the last days I can see just that site visites are about 1/4 of the usual visits.

    I tried to report the issue through the Admin Portal but nothing's changed.


    In a few words, page views are lower that likes because there's an issue in collecting views data and site usage too...

    • Daan_N's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      Thank you for your reply marcoemme The site visits are update a day or two later at our tenant, We have about the same amount of users in our tenant as well.
      • Daan_N's avatar
        Brass Contributor
        Currently experiencing more strange problems such as links disappear from the quicklinks webpart, images arent saved in the image webpart. Makes work a bit more challenging.
  • Lalit Mohan's avatar
    Lalit Mohan
    Iron Contributor
    Page likes being higher than page views is a common occurrence on social media or websites.
