Move a file from one folder (in 1 webpart) to another folder (in another webpart) on the same page

Copper Contributor

I want users to be able to move email attachments into 1 of 2 folders depending on their content.


I have created a page with a Document Library webpart that displays the content of the Email Attachments folder (this is the default folder Sharepoint creates for a new site, and where files are saved if an email is sent to the sharepoint site email address address, and then one of the site members clicks "save to group library").


I have created another Document Library webpart on the same site page , that shows the content of a folder - that folder contains two subfolders - call them "Client A" and "Client B".


I want site users to be able to drag files in the "Email Attachments" folder across to either the "Client A" or the "Client B" folder depending on their content.


Currently, if I try to do this, the cursor changes to imply I *can* drag and drop the file - ie, it displays a circle with a diagonal line through t as I drag the file across, but once I reach the "destination" folder, the cursor changes to show a small rectangle which I personally associate with "move".


However, when I release the mouse button, nothing happens and the file fils to move.


I would love some help on this.


Also, (a distant second in terms of priority) but it would be great to be able to preview the attachment in someway, within the sharepoint page - this would speed up workflow.


Thanks a lot for any help anyone can offer.

1 Reply

About viewing email attachments in the browser. There are several solutions: see Collab365's Email Management software list.