Forum Discussion

conny82's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 04, 2020

File preview on Hover in Sharepoint Online lists JSON



I recently saw a filepreview in SharePoint list that was similiar to the one that was available in SharePoint OnPremise.


Not thumbnails but a bigger picture that pops up an previews the file when I hoover the file. Has anyone accomplished this or can guide me how to do this?

It looks like in the pictures i´m adding here.


I have been following following guides,


But I want to be able to get a bigger hovercard preview of the thumbnails.

This is my code:

"$schema": "",
"elmType": "img",
"attributes": {
"src": "@thumbnail.medium"
"style": {
"display": "block",
"margin": "0 auto",
"max-height": "80px",
"customCardProps": {
"openOnEvent": "hover",
"formatter": {
"elmtype": "img",
"attributes": {
"src": "@thumbnail.medium"
"style": {
"font-size": "500px",
"padding": "32px",
"max-height": "500px"


I have tried following code but cant get a hovercard. I´m new at Json so have no clue.


Can someone please help.

Look at the attached image to se how it should look like.




Thx for any help!

  • Hi conny82 ,


    Do you want to have a custom preview from Name column?


    I already tuned your code a little bit and now it displays hover on a separate column and generates also thumbnail on it. Your code also had one "elmtype" element, which I changed to elmType. Remember to be precise with capitalization. I also added isBeakVisible attribute to customCardProps element, which enables that little beak pointing to selected line.



        "$schema": "",
        "elmType": "img",
        "attributes": {
            "src": "@thumbnail.medium"
        "style": {
            "display": "block",
            "margin": "0 auto",
            "max-height": "80px"
        "customCardProps": {
            "openOnEvent": "hover",
            "isBeakVisible": true,
            "formatter": {
                "elmType": "img",
                "attributes": {
                    "src": "@thumbnail.500x500"
                "style": {
                    "max-height": "500px"



  • Hi conny82 ,


    Do you want to have a custom preview from Name column?


    I already tuned your code a little bit and now it displays hover on a separate column and generates also thumbnail on it. Your code also had one "elmtype" element, which I changed to elmType. Remember to be precise with capitalization. I also added isBeakVisible attribute to customCardProps element, which enables that little beak pointing to selected line.



        "$schema": "",
        "elmType": "img",
        "attributes": {
            "src": "@thumbnail.medium"
        "style": {
            "display": "block",
            "margin": "0 auto",
            "max-height": "80px"
        "customCardProps": {
            "openOnEvent": "hover",
            "isBeakVisible": true,
            "formatter": {
                "elmType": "img",
                "attributes": {
                    "src": "@thumbnail.500x500"
                "style": {
                    "max-height": "500px"



    • conny82's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Matti Paukkonen OMG! You are my God! 😄


      Big thanks to you, it works exactly how I wanted!


      Thank you very much again for your tips and solution and take care!


      Best regards,

      Conny (Sweden) 🙂


      • VirginiaP's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        conny82 Hello! I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction. I'm hoping to format a sharepoint list with a hyperlink that opens a pdf file. Do you know of a way to modify the above code to show a preview of the pdf directly in the list? 
