May 07 2019 04:02 PM
Anyone had to move DropBox to OneDrive / SharePoint have any strategies or things they learned by doing so? Having a real hard time trying to approach the migration since DropBox is such a cobweb of users with Large shared folders mixed in with their personal documents.
Did you tackle large Shared folders first? Move them to SharePoint sites? Train? Or did you do personal documents and train on OneDrive.
Having a hrad time figuring which to do since it's kind of a catch 22. If you move personal files, you can't lock down their dropbox account from saving new files because of Shared folders, and then if you do Shared, nothing is keeping them from creating new ones.
Personally I think moving the bulk of Shared is ideal, but then you have a training issue where everyone has to be up to speed before moving shared documents but you can cut off their accounts once you move their personal items or what's left after the fact.
Anyway, just reaching for idea's at this point. DropBox is a plague.
May 31 2019 03:39 AM
Hi @ChrisWebbTech,
I am not sure if this helps with migration but I think it could be a great ideo to create a flow transfering new files from dropbox to the onedrive account until you finally turn off the dropbox accounts?
This way the users can work with both for a short period, maybe this helps with acceptance and adoption!
Feb 29 2020 01:08 AM