Teams group chat files save into specific folder inside Files Tabs?

Copper Contributor

Teams group chat appear on top those tabs which is start from Post, Files, Meeting Notes, Home & +. Whatever what files we share will automatic generated a save files inside Files column & my question is am i able to create a sub-folder inside Tab's Files & all the share files post in group chat goes into that subfolder instead of stay just inside Files?


inside subfolder self-generate another subfolder that show User ID that files belong to who is? possible?

2 Replies

Hi @Ong842090 


By Default all the Documents will be shared in the File Section. It cannot be a case wherein if you create a Sub Folder inside the File Section all the documents will be saved there. If you want to store something in the Sub Folder it would then have to saved manually. Teams Application will by default store all the documents inside the File Folder Only. 

Answering to your second question whoever has shared the Files/Documents in the Teams Application by Default the Teams Application shared the name next to the File. We cannot generate a sub-folder for the User ID who has generated the file.


WorkAround:- In case you are trying to organize Files in a Team UserID Wise we can create a Folder and then create a sub-folder in the Teams Space with a Documentation. The only thing would be the users will have the update the folder manually. Or they can always use the SharePoint/OneDrive Sync Option to Store the Files in the Cloud Directly.


With Regards,

Satish U

Do you mean even is admin also cannot do any changing on this?is this limitation of Teams? no add on feature in future?