Teams email notifications of missed chats coming from wrong email address?

Brass Contributor

For the past several days, when some users have missed a chat message in teams and they are setup to receive an email notification, the sending email address of the notification is incorrect. It has always been that these notification emails appear to be sent from the person who sent the original chat message, but now, they are being sent from our global administrator account email. Obviously creating lots of confusion and has broken these users' ability to reply via email. Has something changed, or is this a bug?

6 Replies

@TLCAdmin Is it a global admin or a service account?

Hi @Paul_Keijzers,


The chat participants are regular users, but the email notifications they receive are being sent by a global administrator account. 

@Paul_Keijzers There is no service account involved that I am aware of, it's just 2 regular users chatting on Teams with their regular user accounts. Maybe I am not understanding the question, but how/when would service accounts factor into Teams chats/email notifications?




The account sending you the emails is that a service account or is it a random global admin account?


The account sending the emails is a global admin account, in fact, it is my account (I'm global admin).