Jun 25 2019 03:14 AM
Skype, OneNote and Outlook were synced such that when a Skype meeting was scheduled in Outlook, we were able to take notes in OneNote directly from the Outlook meeting ribbon. This functionality also auto-recorded the meeting attendance.
Do we know if this functionality is expected to be made available in Teams? Recording Teams meeting attendance currently involves a considerable amount of manual efforts.
Jun 25 2019 03:24 AM
Jun 25 2019 03:28 AM
@adam deltinger Right, but when you have a large group attending a meeting and need to record the attendance, capturing this can be quite tedious.
Since we're a very large org we do not have access to the Teams admin Center. Retention policies have also been applied for conversations associated with meetings in Teams due to which we prefer to record the meeting notes in an embedded OneNote.
Jun 25 2019 03:36 AM
Jun 25 2019 03:45 AM
@adam deltinger That's what I was hoping for. While OneNote does record all other meeting details it does not auto-mark attendees as present in OneNote (checkbox), which used to be the case in Skype meetings.
Jun 25 2019 03:45 AM
@adam deltinger That's what I was hoping for. While OneNote does record all other meeting details it does not auto-mark attendees as present in OneNote (checkbox), which used to be the case in Skype meetings.
May 26 2020 06:03 AM
Did you ever get a responce on this ?
The auto populate feature between Onenote and skype was a vary valuable feature and having moved to TEAMS now, is a huge loss
Jun 04 2020 10:44 AM
I am looking for the response on this one as well. @voyager670
I would like to edit setting to automatically take attendance in OneNote when people join my Skype for Business meetings.
Jun 04 2020 11:02 AM
Hello all: this issue is currently being tracked on our Uservoice feedback forum. You can go there to vote and keep track of its progress. https://microsoftteams.uservoice.com/forums/555103-public/suggestions/39997912-meeting-notes-should-...
Mar 05 2021 01:56 PM
SolutionI just found a work-around for meeting attendance if you are the host:
Jul 22 2021 11:25 AM
@voyager670 did you have a resolution
this is so just non-user friendly. Looking at the thread, typical MICROSOFT -- send the user to a random route, see if they get convinced.
Nov 04 2022 03:31 AM
Mar 05 2021 01:56 PM
SolutionI just found a work-around for meeting attendance if you are the host: