Forum Discussion

Brounzer's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 22, 2020

Improve quality of a Teams screen-shared video?

Dear all,


In our company we're using Microsoft Teams with roughly 70 employees.

Relatively frequently, we need to share promotional (marketing) videos to external parties or clients. To do this, we invite contacts of these companies to a video call meeting in Teams.

During such a call, we briefly present a presentation and then show videos that we have produced.


Now, the challenge I'm trying to solve for our company is how to improve how our audience sees the video that we are playing on our computer, and then display to them through screen sharing.

The resolution is OK, but the framerate is rather appalling (roughly 2-3 fps on their side, while it is 40fps on our side). This diminishes the whole experience. We cannot pre-share the video file with them because of rights.


We're using only Windows 10 systems.


What I have tried:

  • Check connection speed on both sides. Did an experiment with 2 private owned systems, both on 1Gbit internet (~100 MB/s up and downstream). Same issue. This rules out any bandwidth issues on either side since I suspect that ~1 Gbit on either side should be sufficient for Teams screen sharing.
  • Disabling webcam on our side at the same time screen sharing is on. This slightly improves the frame rate to 4 / 5 fps.
  • As IT specialist, I have checked Task Manager's networking tab. I noticed that at maximum, Teams will pump out 1 MBit/s (128 KB/s). Could the issue be here? Is this throttled by the application itself? Any way to improve?

Furthermore, I wonder why webcam streaming can be fluid at say 25-30 fps (perhaps with lower resolution) while screen sharing seems stuck at 3-4 FPS.

Happy to hear your thoughts. Also other (out of the box) ideas are welcome, as long as we can remotely show videos to our clients.




  • erimo This issue was resolved.  However, in order to resolve it, we needed to  know how networking works in Teams.  Here's a great video.  It's about an hour long, but well worth it.


    We put together a few test cases to verify the components of the system we control, specifically, the end points.  We did a direct call between computers on the same LAN and attempted to stream the video.  Fail.  Since this case did not require any communication to the Microsoft Cloud (see the video), we were able to identify that the source computer just didn't have enough horsepower.  After switching to a more powerful computer, we could stream video up to 720p without any performance issues.  We brought the Microsoft Cloud into the loop by changing from a direct call to a meeting.  There was virtually no difference in performance.


    In further testing, we found anything less than an i5 would struggle.  But as long as you have a decent machine and work within Microsoft's network guidelines, everything seems to run pretty well.


    At least that is our experience...
