Forum Discussion

MVCuser's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jul 06, 2022

Comm site Visitors have access to Main page but not libraries

Morning. I created a Communications Site, and added a visitor to it.

Later i wanted to remove access to Site Contenet so i found online that i needed to Site collection Features and set Limited-Access user permission lockdown mode Active, I did that and next thing i know, when trying to access a library as a Visitor i get an Access Denied Message.

So i went back and deactivated it, but still, no access to libraries, and Site Content is not showing on this Test Visitor user


Then when i go back to the site as admin, i can see the permission level for the Test visitor is correct

So not a clue why the test user is not able to access the libraries.

Help Please!

  • mr_w1nst0n's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    MVCuser access the Communications Site with an Owner or Site Collection Administrator account, then click on the library/ies and check if the permissions are properly inherited from the root or if you have unique permissions.

    • MVCuser's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      Yes, nothing has been set up with unique permissions. (i double checked)
      I talked to Microsoft earlier, and apparently when Activating the lockdown it removes access to anything within the site.
      The problem is (and even though i followed their istructions) after i deactivated the locdown, those users still have access to nothing but the main page.
