Forum Discussion
Advice about structuring a Sharepoint library / site please and saving as a template
PeterRising thanks for your response - out of interest, what do you prefer about the communication site versus Team site?
Nothing major, just little things really. For example, (and this may be me doing something wrong admittedly) I found that I could not centre a single column web part on a team site, whilst I could in a Communication Site. I also found that on a Team Site, I couldn't get the top links bar working as well as in a Communication Site. What I tend to do, is create a new Communication Site, then strip everything out. I'll add a hero web part in a single column at the top, then under that I'll have the news feed and Quick links in a Single column with sidebar layout. I think this looks really nice. Links to dept doc libraries can be tiled below this, and then I'll add things like a Twitter feed or a contacts list and a few other things to pad out the landing page.