Forum Discussion

tricks79's avatar
Brass Contributor
Nov 01, 2023

Teams Loop Meeting Agenda - Sharing Permissions

Hi everyone,

Trying to fully understand loop component sharing permissions when adding loop agenda to a teams meetings. Hope someone can help clarify because does not seem right.



Our default SharePoint/OneDrive tenant sharing default setting is set to: Specific Only(only the people the user specifies)


User creates Teams meeting in Teams and add Agenda(loop) when creating meeting. Adds several users and saves it.


If user copies the Agenda loop component sharing link to an email to be forwarded to the meeting participants, Outlook warns that those recipients don't have access.



I understand that our default sharing option is set to specific people and has implications into loop based on the known issues page found here.... but would like clarification.

1- Is this working as designed? the meeting organizer will have to find all meeting participants manually and add to sharing link?

2- The end goal here is that would like to make sure that when an organizer creates a meeting, adds 50 ppl to meeting and adds the agenda to that meeting, that all meeting invites automatically get access to the agenda sharing link.


Hope someone can share their experiences and best practices.

thank you in advance.







  • c00lman's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Did you get any update? have similar question, ie when the user creates the loop agenda in MS teams Meeting invite, it is not shared to all the users in the meeting.

    Is it by design? shouldn't the permissions be granted to all the users that are invited to the meeting when a user creates the agenda?

    sometimes, it also add some users but not all and the invited users needs to request access to who first created the agenda.

    Hopefully we can get some directions.

    • BrettRichardson's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I have a similar, perhaps the same question. After a meeting, I like to copy the loop component and reply all with an email that contains the copied loop component (a link). I get a variety of meeting invitees (not sure if the required and/or optional invites - perhaps both) that can't access the link (they have to request access).
  • Casey_Born's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Yes! I would like this answered as well. It shares automatically with smaller groups, but larger meetings does not give auto access and results in me having to share it individually. Not ideal.
  • RichardRoell's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    When creating Meetings I would like all invites to be able to see and edit the agenda. Currently when I create a meeting not all invitees are getting access to the agenda.


    Any help will be much appreciated.


