StevenC365 Well, a tiny minority of folks tend to be mischievious with this functionality to go stealth for an inordinate duration, when they actually aren't available at all, such as my current Stanford CTO, who has been useless. If I can modify the duration, it'll better reflect reality.
On second thought, if it's coming down to this, I think it's better I let this guy go since he has had more than enough opportunities (since January 2023 onboarding) to complete one 2-week spirnt deliverable (I know, I should've known/offboarded him months ago) instead of let myself be dragged down this unsustainable rabbithole. I need a CTO with the right/scrappy mindset instead. I shouldn't need this or anything else other than timely deliverables to indicate/track performance. Not going to make the same mistake twice!