Forum Discussion

Viesturs's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 25, 2022

MS Teams, Unknown User Mac



 New users are shown by their name and department in MS Teams search but when chatting they are shown as Unknown User, they got office premium licence and all details input in Azure, users visible in Teams Admin, So I cannot see where the problem might be. After some time it syncs and the name is shown properly but for first few days or even more for some users it might show as Unknown user when chatting with the person. Hope someone has found smth similar, thanks


  • kaaven's avatar
    Oct 25, 2022


    I did some research and an article by Practical365 gave clue. It seems when blocking an account (even later) it have major delays towards Micrsoft Teams. It also gave a PowerShell command to troubleshoot what happens.


    I would think that blocking the account might not be a best practice in your case. Would it be better to use conditional access to limit the user from logging in, thus not blocking login on account level, but require them to login from trusted location (MS learn)? This could give the desired effect without side effects.




  • kaaven's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    I haven't experienced this problem in any of my or customers tenants. I know that changes in Azure AD can take time to proprigate to Teams.


    How are the new users created in your tenant?
    If for some reason they are first registered as a unknown account it can explain the delay.

    Is the problem present for all users in the organization?

    Should only one or few see some new users as Unknown there might be a cache issue. I would test clearing cache on a users that has this problem.

    • Viesturs's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      kaaven Hey, thanks for the reply


      How are the new users created in your tenant?

      They are first created by power automate flow where they are assigned with company email and licences. At that point users are blocked from signing in. They are created straight away with proper names, emails, business structure etc


      Is the problem present for all users in the organization?

      Only new employees and not all of them which makes it strange cause the initial setup is the same. 



      Yes, changes in azure might take some day or more as I have noticed to show up in teams. That's why I am wondering if that might be the problem cause teams do not get the info if user is blocked from signing in. And then when you unblock the user and reset psw the same joining day it only starts to sync with Azure not earlier. I am just wondering not sure if this might be the case.


      • kaaven's avatar
        Brass Contributor


        I did some research and an article by Practical365 gave clue. It seems when blocking an account (even later) it have major delays towards Micrsoft Teams. It also gave a PowerShell command to troubleshoot what happens.


        I would think that blocking the account might not be a best practice in your case. Would it be better to use conditional access to limit the user from logging in, thus not blocking login on account level, but require them to login from trusted location (MS learn)? This could give the desired effect without side effects.



