Forum Discussion
Mar 19, 2018Brass Contributor
Outlook desktop client - showing multiple months of calendar in To-Do bar
"In the old days" you could show as many months of calendar in the to-do bar space as the width would allow. As you dragged the width wider, more months would fill in.
Now no matter how wide y...
- Mar 20, 2018
Hi Jim -- this is getting traction on the UserVoice page, which in turn will bring more attention to this change in functionality. Could you go vote for it here please?
Adding Jennifer Lu as FYI (the PM for Windows Outlook calendar).
LeVar Chan-Williams
Jan 17, 2019Brass Contributor
For a while I thought I was imagining tha tthis used to be a feature. now i know i'm not crazy. While procrastinating some other thing, I decided to google how to get 2 months visible on the to-do bar and came across this post. I agree with you. MS needs to bring that that functionality. i don't even understand why they took it away. :(