Forum Discussion

Deleted's avatar
Jun 04, 2018

Forms for Excel results duplicating in Excel online



I'm having some issues with results duplicating by itself non-stop every time a user submits a response. Basically, when a user submits a response, the Form writes to the Excel workbook and puts the data in a row. This row then keeps duplicating itself without stop. This is happening on Excel online, and I can't seem to find a solution for this. Any help would be appreciated.



  • darwinpari's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I have the same issue. I am waiting for a solution, I have done tests with different browsers and the error persists.
  • RuskinF's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    This seems to be a bug in the application.
    I have faced this issue as well.
    The only work around for this problem is that delete those duplicate rows and make sure you delete them if that happens again.
    We will have to follow this until MIcrosoft releases the fix for this error.

    • sgibson1860's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Agreed but sad.  The fix should be fairly easy "Do Not Allow Duplicates".  This is operating off what appears to be a basic database (assuming SQL compliant Db).  Opened it today and noticed it was replicating responses from April 27th.  It almost makes the application not usable.

  • Sean_Shen's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I created a test form and shared it with anyone can answer permission to myself. When I finished the form, by clicking the submit buttom multiple times before it redirected to the completed interface, the problem can be reproduced. For anyone in your orgnization permission, it actually has a choice that distincts the response that eliminates the duplicates. However, that option is not available to permission "anyone can answer". The problem is if I want a lot of people in the company to answer a form, having them login first will just stop them from answering the form.

    In conclusion, I think it is a design issue and I guess Microsoft will not fix this or add a "one response from each user" option to "anyone can answer" permission in a short time.


    • sgibson1860's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Were the duplicate entries receiving the same ID number as well?  


      What we were seeing was the same entry occurring multiple times throughout the day (i.e. I submit the form in the morning, 30 minutes later, 2 hours later, 2 hours 5 minutes later, etc. the same submission is entered again in the table).  This continued throughout the day.  Then, close to the end of the day, a new spreadsheet popped up in the SharePoint Excel file.  Now, this new file is doing the same thing.

      • Sean_Shen's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        No, the ID of each response is unique. Per say I clicked submit button 5 times at the completion of a Form, it will create 5 same responses and mark it with continuous number such as ID: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Just like in database, when you mark the primary key column auto-increment.
  • sgibson1860's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Anyone found a resolution to this issue.  I have a Forms for Excel.  Randomly today, it started duplicating entries from Forms.

  • Sean_Shen's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    This issue still exists. There are a lot of duplicates in the results and I cannot bulk delete it in Microsoft Forms Online. Hence, the charts and graphics shown in Forms online are not accurate with lots of duplicated results.

  • Rohit Kumar Raj's avatar
    Rohit Kumar Raj
    Copper Contributor
    Hello Mr Woan,

    Kindly try checking the behavior on a newly created form and share the behavior with me
    • Peter Mackell's avatar
      Peter Mackell
      Copper Contributor



      The problem persists for me after trying to start multiple forms from scratch. 

  • Peter Mackell's avatar
    Peter Mackell
    Copper Contributor

    I am having the same issue, but cannot find a solution. Please let me know if anyone has figured out why this is occurring. 

    • Vishal DSouza's avatar
      Vishal DSouza
      Copper Contributor
      I haven't seen any solution to this problem as yet. As a work around, you will need to delete responses from the form. Your data will still be available on the excel that is linked to the form. Doing this will stop the form creating duplicate entries. Then, go to Excel, select the Date column and click on "Remove Duplicates". The date column has time captured in it along with the seconds, so all unique records will remain and duplicates erased.
  • Vishal DSouza's avatar
    Vishal DSouza
    Copper Contributor

    Hi there, 


    I am facing the exact same issue. Overnight, there are have been 1000+ duplicate entries created. Please, can anyone provide some guidance as to why this occurs and what can be done to resolve? 

  • Was a solution ever found for this problem? I am also experiencing this issue, it just started happening.
