Forum Discussion
Feb 20, 2025
Multitenant and Marketplace publishing, issue with Solution Designation
We have our solution published on Microsoft Marketplace using Partner Center.
This is first / main Partner center MPN Location and Microsoft tenant in Europe.
Now publishing requires having Solution Designation.
We need to publish this solution on another MPN Location / Microsoft tenant in US.
On the second / child tenant, we did not reach the Solution Designation, so it is not active.
Therefore, we are unable to publish solution on Microsoft Marketplace due to missing Solution designation.
Should Solution Designation status be automatically inherited from partner (main) to child tenant / locations? How can we grow revenue etc to reach solution designation, if we cannot publish (already successful) solution on Marketplace.
- ArjanTaalCopper Contributor
Thanks, We have the same challenge. But in this case it is the same Offer but published in 4 Seller IDs.