Forum Discussion

StevenRPF's avatar
Brass Contributor
Mar 02, 2023

Export list users never loged in

I'm trying to use this script I've found on the internet :



#Set admin UPN
$UPN = 'email address removed for privacy reasons'
#Time range
$startDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30).ToString('MM/dd/yyyy')
$endDate = (Get-Date).ToString('MM/dd/yyyy')

#We are looking for accounts that are active - not deactivated
$allUsers = @()
$allUsers = Get-MsolUser -All -EnabledFilter EnabledOnly | Select UserPrincipalName

#We search
$loggedOnUsers = @()
$loggedOnUsers = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -Operations UserLoggedIn, PasswordLogonInitialAuthUsingPassword, UserLoginFailed -ResultSize 5000

#Create the list
$inactiveInLastSixMonthsUsers = @()
$inactiveInLastSixMonthsUsers = $allUsers.UserPrincipalName | where {$loggedOnUsers.UserIds -NotContains $_}

#We get a result
Write-Output "The following users have no logged in for the last 180 days:"

#written to the screen
Write-Output $inactiveInLastSixMonthsUsers

#Export list to CSV
$inactiveInLastSixMonthsUsers > "C:\Temp\InactiveUsers.csv"




dont know why, but this command never return any data in the variable :



$loggedOnUsers = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -Operations UserLoggedIn, PasswordLogonInitialAuthUsingPassword, UserLoginFailed -ResultSize 5000




When I check other variable, I get info, but this one never return anything. I tried with different option and nothing ... that's where my problem is.


Any suggestion would be appreciate, or if you have another solution to find all users in the tenant that never loged in, that's what I need!



  • StevenRPF 

    Try this, to check user account under 'enable' condition, but never logged on or not logged in 60 days 


    Get-ADUser -Filter { Enabled -eq $True } -Properties LastLogonDate |
      #Tests whether LastLogonDate is older than 60 days or if it's $Null
      Where-Object { $_.LastLogonDate -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-60) -or
                     -not $_.LastLogonDate } |
      Select-Object -Property SamAccountName |


    • StevenRPF's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      Kidd_Ip  This command is for module Active Directory. But what I'm searching is in all my mailbox account enable in my Microsoft 365 tenant?


      If there's a way with this command, which powershell module do I need? I dont thin the module Active directory?!?!


