1374 TopicsVacation/Leave tracker
Hi All, I am creating a Leave tracker, Basically what I have done so far is. -Create a form for leave submission. -Link it to approvals so it basically retrieved manager details and sends approval request via Outlook/Teams. -Create a SPO list item to update and save requests. -Once approval is received the SPO list item is updated to have a status approved. -This triggers email notification to the requestor. -A calendar event is updated in a shared calendar. What I would like to add/Improve is: -Check before sending approval request to see if balance has enough days for the leave requested. -Tracking for vacation balance. i.e. deduct approved days from balance. -For Calendar events to cover all days of the leave in case it is more than one days. Current Create event, Creates only one day. I tried multiple methods that did not work, Any Idea how to achieve this??SharePoint, OneNote, and Flow...issues with copying a OneNote Notebook using Flow
We have a OneNote notebook in a Document Library that contains many sections. We use this notebook each time we create a new folder in a document library. In the past we have manually created it. End goal: To be able to open the Notebook in SharePoint Online. Every way I try to write the Flow I am failing. 1) If I create the OneNote as a template (onepkg), I can successfully copy the file from the template site to the new folder. But when I open it, it opens in Native Client, requires me to choose a location to save it to, and if I choose back to SharePoint it creates a folder with individual pages for each section. Fail. 2) If I just try to copy the OneNote (not as a template), Flow doesn't recognize it as a file; it sees it as a folder. Anyone have any suggestions on the best way to solve this?Trying to change active user based on dates
Hello, I have a SharePoint list with several fields: Person A Person B Active Person Start Date End Date I want to set up a flow so that when a list item is modified, a flow checks if TODAY is between Start Date and End Date. If true, [Active Person] = Person B Else, Active Person = Person A Any idea how I can do this?Word Doc properties not updated in doc body
Hi, sorry if i am repeating the topic, could not find one that would answer my issue. I have a document template with 2 tables on the page: Table 1 contains info from the template like - Document ID, version, Template approver and Template approval date Table 3 contains info from the procedure - Document ID, version, Document approver and Document approval date. Template is being approved through Power Automate flow. Data in table is updated through flow and all works as expected. However, document after approval flow does not update Document properties in the Table 2, specifically document approver and document approval date. Document ID is updated and version also. I have checked Info of the document, and fields are updated but it is not reflected in the table. If i add it manually again, it does place the correct values, but then my this is seen as change and approval flow needs to be triggered again. Any ideas how to solve this? Thanks.Images appear blurry on Power App when source is from Sharepoint List image column
I used the "Data-centred mobile app" app template to create a Power App from a SharePoint List. This template automatically creates 3 types of screens: Browse, Detail, Edit/Create. One of my Sharepoint columns contains images which I want to display in on of the screens in the app. The template automatically parks this image as a Datacard. One of the images, which is different in dimensions to the others, comes out blurry. I tried changing the image dimensions, but it doesn't solve the problem. Here is a screenshot:Stop trigger when receiving calendar invite for 'When a new email arrives in a shared mailbox'
I have created a flow which starts with the trigger 'When a new email arrives in a shared mailbox'. I would like to prevent this trigger starting the flow if I receive a calendar invite from any sender. I have tried and tested a couple options with co-pilot which did not work: Adding this function to the settings of the trigger '@not(equals(triggerOutputs()?['body/MessageClass'], 'IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request'))' -> NO emails were triggering the flow any longer Using a condition with the following function: '@contains(triggerOutputs()?['body/Categories'], 'Meeting')' I am ideally going to avoid creating more steps in my flow, and instead working within the settings of the trigger. Please help! Below is the flow if at all helpful...lagacy formula bar
I can't download attachment file in powerapps.Finally found the reson is that the value of the attachment is not changed to AbsoluteUri,but I can't find "lagacy formula bar"in the setting of powerapps. I don't know whether is version dateup,how to solve this issue? Anyone know the method?Error when using MS Group Form for upload of files to Sharepoint List
Hi everyone. Task: I am trying to upload files from Group Form to a SP list. I set up the following Power Automate flow: step 1: (Forms) "When a new response is submitted" step 2: "Apply to each" (List of Response notifications Response Id) step 2a: "Get response details" ("Form Id": My group form), "Response Id": List of Response notifications Response Id) step 2b: "Create Item": Site Address: [Sharepoint site], List Name: [name of Sharepoint list where I want to upload MS Forms files to]. Matching all other required fields in Sharepoint list to MS Forms fields step 2c: "Apply to each": Select an output from previous steps: json() as expression, selecting "ID" as dynamic content within json paranthesis. step 2d: "Get file content": Site Address: Group Team where the Group form is residing. "File identifier": id (field from Forms) step 2e: Add Attachment: Site Address: [Sharepoint site], List Name: [name of Sharepoint list where I want to upload MS Forms files to]. Id: ID [from sharepoint]. File Name: name (from MS Forms). File Content: Body [from sharepoint] Scenario 1: I get an error when trying to execute, same error if 1 file uploaded or 2 files uploaded: (Fails in step 2b, "Create Item"): "OpenApiOperationParameterValidationFailed. The 'inputs.parameters' of workflow operation 'Create_item' of type 'OpenApiConnection' is not valid. Error details: The API operation 'PostItem' requires the property 'item/Title' to be a string of maximum length '255' but is of length '486' ". I dont understand why the full URL address AND the filename is returned, along with some other unreadable code as well. Scenario 2: If I change step 2b above for “item/Title” from using the File Upload MS Form field to a fixed text string like “Dummy title”, it fails, but now in step 2d, “Get File content”): { "status": 404, "message": "File not found\r\nclientRequestId: 15de2a9d-22a0-40f9-9b7f-924fa0706cb6\r\nserviceRequestId: 15de2a9d-22a0-40f9-9b7f-924fa0706cb6" } Any got any idea how to solve this? Seems I am not able to “capture” the file ID/name correctly?Limiting powerapps form person field to members of one sharepoint site returns no values
Hi there, I am working on an app, and I would like to limit the output on a Person field to only the Sharepoint Site Members. Whenever I go into the field in SharePoint and set the limit to our Sharepoint Group members in the List Settings, the dropdown does not show any results. How would I work around this, or what might cause this issue?Use dynamic content within If statement in expression in PowerAutomate
I am using Power Automate to save emails and attachments into a SharePoint Document Library. This is working well, and I now want to automatically apply metadata to the items that are uploaded. I want to check the Subject field of an email I receive and if it contains a keyword, apply that keyword to the sharepoint column metadata. I have more than 8 options so I can't use nested conditions (however using conditions DOES work). I am looking to use a switch case with nested if statements, but I am not sure how to refer to the "Subject" field inside an if statement. For example, in the "On" field in a switch condition: (screenshot below) if(contains(variables('Subject'),'jeff'),'1',if(contains(variables('Subject'),'josh'),'2', Is not accepted by the expression field. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?Solved