229 TopicsMeeting Bot issue: Did not receive valid response for JoinCall request from call modality controller
I'm trying to join a Teams Meeting with a bot. I used this sample. When the bot attempts to join I get the popup to admit or deny it in the meeting, but as soon as I click admit, it drops. In the logs I see this message: Call status updated to Terminated - Did not receive valid response for JoinCall request from call modality controller.. DiagCode: 580#5426.@ I am using the latest ( at time of writing) version of Microsoft.Graph.Communications libraries and the problem only started after I updated from that I was using previously. I could not find any info on what the call modality controller is, or how to check what it is responding if anything. Any ideas on how to troublshoot this are welcome.861Views1like9CommentsGetting “Meeting Id is corrupted” error while trying to fetch meeting details from Graph API
Below is the screenshot of the teams context object, When we try to get the meeting details from the Graph API with the meeting id obtained from the teams context object (Refer the above screenshot), we get “Meeting Id is corrupted” error. Below is the screenshot of the Graph API request, Please let us know how to get the meeting details. Please note that we have created the meeting directly from the calendar.1.5KViews0likes10CommentsAzure Bot working from local using teams toolkit, but not when hosted on AWS
Hi Everyone, I need help in debugging an issue I am facing while using the Azure bot on the teams channel. I have created a Teams Meeting bot using the botbuilder framework in python and tested it using the teams toolkit. It works fine using the toolkit. I also used an ngrok domain in the messaging endpoint in the configuration page of the bot and that works too. Now we took this bot logic and hosted it on AWS ECS. The api/messages endpoint is reachable through postman. But when the request comes from teams, our server just hangs and it becomes unreachable and eventually restarts. I have tried to add some logs and I am able to print the activity, auth header and the request body the teams sends to the API. I have ensured all the env variables are correct. Also, for the server to be reachable from the teams channel to AWS, we had to whitelist a few ips. Only then the server on AWS was reachable. Steps to reproduce the server restarts.: 1) I zip my manifest file and upload the custom app to a teams meeting. 2) When I add the app to the meeting, it counts as an event and teams calls the api/messages endpoint. I am able to see the logs for this event. 3) After I add the app, I open the custom app tab and the content comes up as expected. The issue starts after this step. 4) I start the meeting, teams sends an event (meetingstart) to the API and then the server just hangs. No logs are printed and then the server restarts and nothing is tracked. The bot in that meeting does not work anymore. Because when you start a meeting again, the server restarts. The same thing works fine on local and it checks for these teams events and performs the logic within that function. We are clueless on what's happening here as there are no logs either. Is there something we need to cross check when trying to host it on a server instead of running it on local using a teams toolkit.? The request gets sent to SETTINGS = BotFrameworkAdapterSettings(CONFIG.APP_ID, CONFIG.APP_PASSWORD) ADAPTER = BotFrameworkAdapter(SETTINGS) # Listen for incoming requests on /api/messages"/api/messages", response_model=None) async def messages(req: Request) -> Response: # Main bot message handler. if "application/json" in req.headers["Content-Type"]: body = await req.json() else: return Response(status_code=HTTPStatus.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE) activity = Activity().deserialize(body) auth_header = req.headers["Authorization"] if "Authorization" in req.headers else "" print(auth_header) response = await ADAPTER.process_activity(activity, auth_header, BOT.on_turn) if response: return JSONResponse(content=response.body, status_code=response.status) return Response(status_code=HTTPStatus.OK) It fails at line 15 I believe, as I have tried to comment the line to see if the restarts happen. It did not restart then. So the issue is clearly with line 15. Hoping for a reply from anyone. Thank you.529Views0likes4CommentsSeeking Best Practices for Performance Testing Bots in Microsoft Teams
Teams Meeting Bot This bot is automatically installed in all scheduled meetings across the organization. It interacts with the Microsoft Graph API via the 'api/messages' endpoint in the Bot Framework to retrieve meeting transcripts. These transcripts are then processed by an LLM model to generate a summarized version of the meeting. Chatbot This is a personal Teams chatbot built using the Bot Framework. It streams real-time responses from an LLM model based on user queries. We are planning a performance test for these bots. What would be the standard procedure to achieve this? Looking forward to your insights.42Views0likes2CommentsIssue with Bot builder Activity Handler class
Hi all, I have developed a Teams meeting app using the botbuilder library which gets automatically added/installed to a scheduled meeting. The automatic installation of the app to the meeting is handled by a setup policy in the Teams Admin Center. I use the on_installation_update_add() from the Activity handler class to track the installation of the app to meetings. I have recently encountered an issue where the app is getting added multiple times to the same meeting. When I check for the logs, it looks like on_installation_update_add is called multiple times which never happened before. Can anyone help with this issue I am facing?49Views0likes2CommentsIssue with Bot builder ActivityHandler Class
Hi everyone, I built a Teams app using the botbuilder library. This app gets installed automatically to scheduled meetings using the setup Policy on the Teams admin center. I use "on_installation_update_add" function from the Activity Handler class which tracks the installation of an app to a meeting. I have recently encountered a weird issue which never happened before where the app is getting added to the same meeting multiple times. The "on_installation_update_add" function was called 5 times for the same meeting. Can anyone help with this issue please?21Views0likes1Commentcall details with devce info and participant join,leave time
i am working on teams integration project when i run grap api it does not show data for device and participant timing details graph api for extacting data for call including { "call_id": "004998be-da70-40f6-999a-3c84484c98b1", "start_date_time": "2024-12-17T11:53:14.9897859Z", "end_date_time": "2024-12-17T12:16:55.6045446Z", "participants": [ { "participant_name": "Surbhi Yadav", "join_time": "Unknown", "leave_time": "Unknown" },108Views0likes6CommentsGraph API: Meeting Attendance Details Organizer and Participant Join/Leave Times
Hi Teams Developer Community, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on fetching meeting attendance details, specifically the join and leave times of the organizer and participants, using the Microsoft Graph API. Could you please provide guidance on the following points: Endpoints to Use: What are the exact Graph API endpoints for obtaining meeting attendance details, including the join and leave times of all participants? Required Permissions: What permissions are necessary to access these attendance details? Are there any specific configurations needed in Azure AD? JSON Response Format: Below is the JSON format I am aiming to achieve. Could you confirm if this is correct and provide any additional fields or structures that might be useful? { "value": [ { "emailAddress": "abc", "totalAttendanceInSeconds":, "role": "Organizer", "identity": { "id": "", "displayName": ", "tenantId": }, "attendanceIntervals": [ { "joinDateTime": "2021-10-05T04:38:27.6027225Z", "leaveDateTime": "2021-10-05T04:43:49.7702391Z", "durationInSeconds": 322 } ] }, { "emailAddress": "abc", "totalAttendanceInSeconds": 314, "role": "Presenter", "identity": { "id": "57caaef9-5ed0-48d5-8862-e5abfa71b3e9", "displayName": "Lisa Adkins", "tenantId": null }, "attendanceIntervals": [ { "joinDateTime": "2021-10-04T23:13:43.3776519Z", "leaveDateTime": "2021-10-04T23:18:57.5639338Z", "durationInSeconds": 314 } ] } ] }113Views0likes3CommentsGraph api :Fetching Call Records with Participant Join/Leave Times & Device Information
hello Microsoft Teams Developer Community, I’ve been working on a script to fetch detailed information about call records using the Microsoft Graph API. The script is designed to capture not just the basic call information but also the join and leave times of participants and the devices used during the call.Solved152Views0likes4CommentsCustom app deeplink to the meeting sidepanel is broken
Add any custom app to a meeting. You will see "I added a tab at the top of this chat. Check it out!" message in the meeting chat along with the clickable deep-link card. Upon clicking this card it should take you to the respective app. Instead, it won't do anything. Previously it was working fine with older versions of new teams. Similarly, The following deeplink was working fine to take the user to meeting sidepanel. It is not working now. I am suspecting that if the above issue is fixed, this will work fine. My deeplink is :{"chatId":"19:meeting_MWJmNmMzN2MtNjU2Yi00YWZmLTk5ZTUtZmFiNTYwMTRlY2Zh@thread.v2","contextType":"chat"}&openInMeeting=true; Can anyone suggest on this please?66Views0likes2Comments