215 TopicsMS Forms Weighted
We have various surveys that we send to client using an external survey provider. I am investigating the ability to satisfy our needs by using MS Forms. One requirement we have is the ability to have a weighting tied to our questions as I have specified below. We would like to capture the scoring value in the Excel document behind the Form for easy tabulation. Can someone guide me as the whether this is possible? Thanks. Question: How was the quality of service you received? 1. Superior (worth 100) 2. Good (worth 80) 3. Average (worth 60) 4. Poor (worth 40) 5. Terrible (worth 0)17KViews0likes7CommentsHow do I connect my computer to a printer wirelessly?
I have a printer located in a different room and I want to connect my computer to it. I use a windows 11 computer and the printer is a HP OfficeJetPro 8028e. I'm going to also use this in a project for my class where I need to use a forum to solve an issue.33Views0likes1CommentRetrieving a Form in draft
Hi, I'm having some issues with users who are having issues seeing data that they have entered into a Form. They are not signing in as anonymous and I've been advised that a draft is saved up to 30 days from the last edit. So if they are signing in with the same credentials and using the same link to the Form, should they be able to see information they have previously entered and update this prior to Submitting?? Any assistance would be gratefully received Chris34Views0likes1Comment"File Upload" Option not available for external users.
"File upload" option is only available when set Microsoft Forms “Only people in my organization can respond” or “Specific people in my organization can respond” is the selected setting. When we set, "Anyone can Respond" the option "Upload File" greyed out236Views0likes1CommentUnable to access forms home page
I am receiving (and have been for many months) this message when I try to go to my forms home page: '+t+"");var i=ut?ut.createHTML(t):t;if(se===ue)try{e=(new p).parseFromString(i,yt)}catch(t){}if(!e||!e.documentElement){e=lt.createDocument(se,"template",null);try{e.documentElement.innerHTML=fe?st:i}catch(t){}}var a=e.body||e.documentElement;return t&&n&&a.insertBefore(o.createTextNode(n),a.childNodes[0]||null),se===ue?,qt?"html":"body")[0]:qt?e.documentElement:a},Ce=function(t){return||t,t,f.SHOW_ELEMENT|f.SHOW_COMMENT|f.SHOW_TEXT|f.SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION|f.SHOW_CDATA_SECTION,null,!1)},Fe=function(t){return t instanceof m&&(void 0!==t.__depth&&"number"!=typeof t.__depth||void 0!==t.__removalCount&&"number"!=typeof t.__removalCount||"string"!=typeof t.nodeName||"string"!=typeof t.textContent||"function"!=typeof t.removeChild||!(t.attributes instanceof d)||"function"!=typeof t.removeAttribute||"function"!=typeof t.setAttribute||"string"!=typeof t.namespaceURI||"function"!=typeof t.insertBefore||"function"!=typeof t.hasChildNodes)},Re=function(e){return"object"===t(u)?e instanceof u:e&&"object"===t(e)&&"number"==typeof e.nodeType&&"string"==typeof e.nodeName},Ie=function(t,e,r){wt[t]&&k(wt[t],(function(t){,e,r,he)}))},ze=function(t){var e;if(Ie("beforeSanitizeElements",t,null),Fe(t))return Ae(t),!0;if(F(/[\u0080-\uFFFF]/,t.nodeName))return Ae(t),!0;var r=gt(t.nodeName);if(Ie("uponSanitizeElement",t,{tagName:r,allowedTags:Ct}),t.hasChildNodes()&&!Re(t.firstElementChild)&&(!Re(t.content)||!Re(t.content.firstElementChild))&&F(/<[/\w]/g,t.innerHTML)&&F(/<[/\w]/g,t.textContent))return Ae(t),!0;if("select"===r&&F( I have tried a different browser, clearing my cache, and incognito mode. I'm unsure of what to do. Looking for any advice or assistance.Solved117Views1like5CommentsWeighted Answers in 2 Survey Pages adding up to a end value.
Hello there, new to MS Form and Power Automate so bear with me on this one: Part of an Ideas Survey, requires a user to complete a 'Survey Page' where there are 7 Questions with 4 possible choices. 1 Choice per Question, each Choice is weighted Option 1= 0 Option 2= 1 Option 3 = 2 Option 4 = 5 Once answered, should give a value of the sum of weighted answers... so 3 Question have option 3, 2 questions were answered option 2 and 2 were answered option 4. totaling 18 A second survey page very similar weighted options to the questions. What these values I would need to utilise to find a reference based on a Grid of Values. 1 to 35 along and 1 to 21 Up, the values in the survey would be used to gauge 18 cells along and , lets say 15 rows up. In that specific Cell would be a Reference. something like H15 a Formula would be something Like if Survey1 Value >15 then H, <=15 and >=10 then M, >=0 to <10 then L Then it would be to concat the value of the of that plus the Survey 2 Value. How, would I go about doing that? Just from messing about, it would have to be a triggered Power Automate to then add to a variable, then after that no idea. Anyone able to do this and to help with a step by step? Much appreciated. Mike.43Views0likes3CommentsHow to Create Tile-Style Buttons on MS Access Forms?
Hello everyone, I have come across a user interface in MS Access that features tile-style buttons, as shown in the attached image. These buttons have icons, labels, and a modern appearance, which makes the form look more professional and user-friendly. I would like to implement a similar button style in my MS Access application. However, I am unsure about the best approach to achieve this. Could anyone please share their insights or experience on the following: What control type should be used to create these buttons? How can I add icons or images to the buttons while keeping them responsive? Is there a way to apply custom styling, such as rounded corners and background colors? Are there any VBA techniques or third-party tools that can help with designing such buttons? Any guidance, sample code, or references to tutorials would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.92Views0likes2CommentsGroup Owned Forms - Restricting Access
Hello, all. I have a group owned form. Lets call this "Training Log Form". The group lets call it "R&D". This is a well established MS Group with members, and owners. So each member can view this form, its outputs in excel are already linked to the SharePoint site that we use daily. This is all great, only one issue. Anyone that is a member of this group can edit the main contents of this form (questions, sections, answers, title, etc.). We have a collection of different document controlled forms (typically in excel format, setup as templates) and they are document controlled through our SharePoint system. How can I restrict access of who is able to edit these forms internal to this "R&D" Group? Any help would be great, thanks!53Views0likes2Comments