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Column Validation Single Line Text with blank or multiple email addresses separated by semicolon
I have a SharePoint Online list with a single line text column named Cc... Email (i didn't create that one) that I have been trying to formulate the validation to only allow valid email addresses. The address field can be empty, single entry or multiple entries separated by a semicolon. I've tried everything including chatgpt and copilot to find a formula that will work correctly. Nothing seems to work and it seems like this should be fairly simple. What am I missing? =OR( ISBLANK([Cc... Email]), AND( NOT(ISERROR(FIND(" ", [Cc... Email]))), ISERROR(FIND(";;", [Cc... Email])), ISERROR(FIND(";", [Cc... Email], LEN([Cc... Email])-1)), ISERROR(FIND("@", [Cc... Email])), ISERROR(FIND("@", [Cc... Email], FIND("@", [Cc... Email])+1)), ISERROR(FIND(".", MID([Cc... Email], FIND("@", [Cc... Email])+1, LEN([Cc... Email])))) = FALSE, ISERROR(FIND(" ", MID([Cc... Email], FIND("@", [Cc... Email])+1, LEN([Cc... Email])))) ) )323Views0likes0CommentsRe: PnP PowerShell - Add page property web part to policy pages doesn't apply Property and Value
LeonPavesic - Same result. The property value is not getting configured. See below the output from the script which is posted below. I still think I'm missing something in the configuration of the webpartproperties. I can't seem to find any documentation on each option for webpart and properties. InstanceId Type Title Section Column Position PropertiesJson ---------- ---- ----- ------- ------ -------- -------------- db8c7b11-7283-4a2a-a27e-f64a5f79ddbc PageWebPart Quick links 1 2 1 {"items":[],"isMigrated":true,"layoutId":"CompactCard","layoutComponentId":"706e33c8-af37-4e7b-9d22-6e5694d92a6f","shouldShowThumbnail":true,"hideWePartWhenEmpty":"false... 537fa635-4461-4ac3-a03e-86a74b10084f PageWebPart Quick links 1 2 2 {"items":[],"isMigrated":true,"layoutId":"CompactCard","layoutComponentId":"706e33c8-af37-4e7b-9d22-6e5694d92a6f","shouldShowThumbnail":true,"hideWePartWhenEmpty":"false... b40e0942-3ef0-4463-9928-98e71b41a2b3 PageWebPart Page pro... 1 2 3 {"title":"","selectedFieldIds":[],"availableFields":[],"Property":"DateofLastMaterialChange"} AntiFraud.aspx $page = Get-PnPPage -Identity "AntiFraud.aspx" # Add a new section with one column vertical template #Add-PnPPageSection -Page $page -SectionTemplate OneColumnVerticalSection #$page.Save() # Add web parts to the newly created section Add-PnPPageWebPart -Page $page -DefaultWebPartType "QuickLinks" -Section 1 -Column 2 -Order 1 -WebPartProperties @{title="Addenda";hideWePartWhenEmpty="false"} Add-PnPPageWebPart -Page $page -DefaultWebPartType "QuickLinks" -Section 1 -Column 2 -Order 2 -WebPartProperties @{title="Forms";hideWePartWhenEmpty="false"} Add-PnPPageWebPart -Page $page -DefaultWebPartType "PageFields" -Section 1 -Column 2 -Order 3 -WebPartProperties @{'Property'='DateofLastMaterialChange'} # Save the changes $page.Save()864Views0likes0CommentsPnP PowerShell - Add page property web part to policy pages doesn't apply Property and Value
I've been working on a simple script to add a Page Property web part to a number of Policy pages on a site. The following script code will add the web part with no problems but not the Column Name and value. Add-PnPPageWebPart -Page $page -DefaultWebPartType "PageFields(1)" -Section 1 -Column 2 -Order 3 -WebPartProperties @{Property="DateofLastMaterialChange"} Date Of Last Material Change is a Date column that the user defines when modifying any policy. I cannot get this to add the Property Name (column) and its value. Any ideas?958Views0likes2CommentsConnect to Modern List Attachments Folder
Is there a way to view the attachments folder in SharePoint online modern lists similar to how it could be done with on-prem? I can navigate to the folder from the url of a attachment (sites/sitename/lists/listname/allitems.aspx?RootFolder=%2ites%2Flists/%2Flistname&folder%2FAttachments&FolderCTID=0x11111 - however the folder does not render any of the folders (ID) or attachments. Says this folder is empty.1.5KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Issues with SharePoint News Digest
- agreed this needs to be explained - I have my own tenant and customer tenant the same thing is happening with the creation process for the page not adding links to the articles but to the page. Microsoft - someone needs to respond. BUG or Feature??8.8KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Enable “Targeted Release” in Office 365 to receive updates first (formerly known as "First Release")
Did this question ever get answered? I haven't been able to find a good explanation if setting "Targeted for some users" is just Office Pro-Plus or SharePoint, etc.. as explained in the documentation. Seems like it can't possibly be those services (SharePoint, Exchange, etc.) if they're deployed. Joe McGowan kimkischel11KViews0likes0Comments
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