Using SharePoint REST API can we create a share link for specific users without sending invitation

Steel Contributor

Inside the SharePoint Online UI >> we can create a sharing link using "People you choose" + define View permission, as follow:-





Where we define the user/s and the UI will send an immediate invitation email.


Now i am developing a REST API call using Power Automate >> which should mimic the above Sharing link, but without sending an invitation email.. so can anyone advice on the SharePoint end point that i can use for this? as i did not find any official documentation about this.



2 Replies



Thanks for the reply.. Now i inspected the browser's network tab using browser developer tool >> and when i share a document using the "People you choose" option using the UI>> the browser will send these parameters, using a SharePoint end point named ShareLink:-






and using Power automate "Send http request to SharePoint', i were able to create such a sharing link:-






but i did not find any documentation from Microsoft regarding this end point and the parameters we can pass.. so can i guarantee that my above requests will work in the future?