Forum Discussion

Sayuri1375's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 19, 2022

SharePoint Site with Widgets


At our company we are building a Sharepoint site to store documents. For the category we are using widgets but to make it modern and fancy I looking for a good simple template but also for a modern one. Is there any suggestions? I also tried to changed the sizes of the widgets but you only have the options like whole window, 2 splited oder 3 splited window. Do you know if it's possible to make adjustments in the length and with of the windows and to make it customized? Do you have experience and do you know a good site for recommendations? Can you only use the template which are given? I can't make any coding do I need special permissions?


Thanks a lot, 

Kind regards


  • Sayuri1375 For modern experience SharePoint site, check the templates available at SharePoint look book.

    In modern experience pages, you can use:

    1. Page sections and columns 
    2. OOTB modern web parts 
    3. Custom web parts developed using SPFx 
    4. You can develop you own custom SPFx web parts as well, check: Overview of the SPFx 

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    • Sayuri1375's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      ganeshsanap thanks a lot for your fast response. The second link doesn't work, can you please provide the link again? So does it mean I can develop customized web parts by using JavaScript? I tried to do that but it didn't work and I am not sure if its because of the permission in the company?
      • ganeshsanap's avatar

        Sayuri1375 I have fixed the hyperlink in above response.


        For modern experience, you can develop custom web parts using SharePoint Framework (SPFx) and any JavaScript framework (JavaScript, jQuery, React, Angular, etc.)


        You will need development tool chain for SPFx development, check: Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment 


        Also, you will need app catalog (tenant level or site collection level) for SPFx package deployment.

        Please click Mark as Best Response & Like if my post helped you to solve your issue. This will help others to find the correct solution easily. It also closes the item. If the post was useful in other ways, please consider giving it Like.
