Internal or External Problem? (SharePoint Online List)

Copper Contributor

As of right now, I have created two separate lists on the same site. I created a Nintex workflow that updates the other when edited on either one, However, I cannot "Save" on either of the lists. I can CREATE NEW items on those lists but not edit them. I get the error message:


"Sorry, Something went wrong.
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: Server encountered an internal error. For more information, turn off custom Errors in the server's .config file.
Server stack trace:

Exception rethrown at [0]:
   at System. Runtime. Remoting. Proxies. RealProxy. HandleReturnMessage (IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg) at System. Runtime. Remoting. Proxies.RealProxy. PrivateInvoke (MessageData& msg Data, Int32 type) at Microsoft. SharePoint. Administration. ISPUserCodeExecutionHostProxy. Execute (Type us
Technical Details
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID: 9ed7bf9f-d19e-2038-7d5b-aefc5ec5d2db
Date and Time: 4/19/2021 6:03:21 PM"


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