Forum Discussion

SteffenHNW's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jan 03, 2023

Empty library search - Sharepoint online



24h ago, I created a document library and added some Word documents. I can find these documents with the website search, but if I use the search in document library, the results are always empty.

Search option for this library is activated.. reindex didn't help though.

Can somebody help me with this problem?





  • Vincent Choy's avatar
    Vincent Choy
    Copper Contributor
    Anyone has a resolution on this? We have a client who is facing this problem and is seriously impacting their operations
    • CarmenSi's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Not sure if this will help 🙂 After changing the versioning settings for my library, I have experienced the same issue. Reading the conversation here was very helpful, as David mentioned only Documents with a Major version will appear in Search.
      1. Check your Versioning Setting (Have selected to Create major and minor (draft) versions?).
      2. Upload your document.
      3. Go to the ... (3 dots) / More / Publish (as soon as you have published, the document will appear in search, too).
      Hope this will help.
  • SageEdsall's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    SteffenHNW have you had any progress on this issue? We have been having this issue since 12/28 with any new files created.

    • bperry's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      SageEdsall and SteffenHNW - We are experiencing the same symptom. Documents added to a specific document library after Dec 31, 2022 are not appearing in document library search results.  However, they DO appear when you expand the search to "search across sites".


      I was going to try reindexing, but have not yet because this particular document library is huge. 


      Edit:  I just checked a couple other SP sites in our tenant and some random document libraries in them.  The issue is the same everywhere.  No documents added in 2023 are returned in the document library search.  They only return in a "search across sites" search.

      • SteffenHNW's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        Hi SageEdsall and bperry ,


        today I have opened a microsoft support case for this problem.

        I'll report the resolution as soon as I get the answer.




  • Hello SteffenHNW 


    are the site index also activated?


    Please sure, that every document are NOT checked out and only documents with a MAJOR version are indexed in search, when you use versioning, publish the documents.


    Best, Dave

    • SteffenHNW's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      Hi Dave - DaveMehr365 ,

      site index is activated.. the search works for other librarys.

      No document is checked out and 3 documents have a major version and are published.


      Hallo David,

      hier nochmal auf deutsch 🙂

      Ich habe eine Bibliothek erstellt, in der ich Dokumente mit Genehmigungsflow (PowerAutomate) freigeben möchte. Das funktioniert auch alles. Wenn ich auf unserer Startseite suche, finde ich auch die genehmigten Dokumente. Aber wenn ich in der Bibliothek bin und da bei "Diese Bibliothek durchsuchen" ein Keyword eingebe, kommt immer "Es stimmen keine Elemente mit Ihrer Suche überein". Vielleicht könnte ich das Problem lösen, indem ich die Bibliothek neu anlege, aber ich würde gerne wissen warum das in dieser Bibliothek nicht funktioniert 🙂

      Danke für deine Zeit und Hilfe!

      • DaveMehr365's avatar

        Hello SteffenHNW 


        ok, what do you mean with "keywords"? It's a term in a document or it's a specific SharePoint field?


        You can try to create a new library, only for search check.


        Best, Dave
