Forum Discussion

allanyip's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 26, 2024

Document library custom column only in parent folder

Hi there!


I've looked everywhere on this forum but I could not find any topic about this problem I'm having. May be I've used the wrong keywords to search for. Sorry if that is the case.


After creating custom columns in the Document Library, it is also visible in child folders.

Is there a way to only have the custom columns being applied to the parent folder and not the child folders below it?


Thanks in advance!



  • michalkornet's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Hi allanyip, the columns set are related to the view. Since the parent folder and its children share the same view, the set of presented columns will be the same.


    It might not be a perfect solution, but you could create a new view dedicated to the child folders and then adjust the column formatting to provide a link in the 'parent view' to the newly created view for the child folders.


    Let me know if that would work for you, and if you encounter any problems, I’ll try to create an example.

    • allanyip's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hi Michal, thanks for your reply! I'll check it out and I will let you know if i managed to do what you've suggested.
    • allanyip's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Michal, Ok so yesterday I got some time put your solution to the test, but I was unable to create what you suggested. Think I'm doing something wrong.

      Could you please create the example you mentioned in your post?

      Thanks in advance.


      --- edit ---

      Or how about if I describe what I would like to have in our situation:


      I'm setting up Sharepoint/OneDrive for the company that I'm working for.


      In our OneDrive we have a folder called Customers, which contains folders each representing a customer. Now we would like to have a list in either OneDrive or Sharepoint with all the customers, but then labeled with either Website1, Website2 or Custom (Each customer should have at least one of the labels).


      In that list we would like to have the ability to filter on the three status above.


      Hope that explanation above is clear enough, if not please let me know.


      Thanks in advance!

      • michalkornet's avatar
        Iron Contributor

        Hi allanyip, I didn’t have much time this weekend, but I will try to make a proper example at the beginning of this week.
