Copying lookup column value error

Copper Contributor

Hello Community,


Is there a way to copy a lookup column value of one item to another item in the same column and library (in SharePoint Online)? Right now, if I go into grid view and try to drag one row's lookup column value from the bottom right corner down to other items in the same column I get an error that says: "'[COPIED VALUE] is not a valid value for this field." Same result if I copy and paste the values.


Is this a limitation of SPO or am I missing something here? I feel like this has worked normally in the past. See screenshot below for more details.





1 Reply
best response confirmed by xls0288 (Copper Contributor)
EDIT: Found the fix. Copy/Pasting breaks if the column the lookup is getting data from ends with a space. Removed the space and it's working fine now.
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by xls0288 (Copper Contributor)
EDIT: Found the fix. Copy/Pasting breaks if the column the lookup is getting data from ends with a space. Removed the space and it's working fine now.

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