Can we allow external users to download PDFs but prevent them from downloading Videos?

Steel Contributor

I am working on a new SharePoint online project, and we have this requirement:-


External guests cannot download videos but they can download checklists like pdfs


So is this possible?

12 Replies
The above requirement can be managed by creating a site
++ Then two document libraries Lib A (for Videos) and Lib B (for Docs or PDFs)
++ Then grant Restricted View on Lib A (for Videos) for external users > This will allow them to view the video but not download. You can also create a custom permission level (Check the "View Items" and "Open Items" permissions. Uncheck all other permissions in the "List Permissions" section > save it with a name and use it)
++ On Lib B grant Read/Contribute/Edit to external users.

If this helps, please mark this as Answer.

@Eilaf-Barmare  I tested your solution, now when i shared the Videos  Library with an external user with Restricted Read permission, the user will get this error

"Sorry, you don't have access."

@john john, Instead of edit permission level, you can grant read / view based on your business requirement on Lib A for videos. 


If you want to setup a separate custom permission level for Lib A then create a new 1 by copy from existing read / view and name it. No need to uncheck all because few necessary required permissions also unchecked during setup and I believe this is happened in your case.

If you are willing to spend bucks, this is the easiest way to block downloads: (SharePoint Syntex)

@john john You can also create a custom permission level, name it "view without download" and save it. While sharing the files or library, share it from advanced permissions settings page (classic permission page) and select the custom permission level "view without download". Try this, it should fix your problem.

Screenshot for your reference:



@@Vivek Jagga there is not any custom permission to prevent downloading... did you test it at your end?

@Eilaf-Barmarethis will not work if i want to prevent downloading specific document types this will work for all the sites

@Eilaf-Barmarethere is not any permission level to prevent downloading .. can you elaborate more?

I do not think it is possible to restrict download settings based on the file types. This was the reason we suggested to create separate libraries for separate use case, that is (Lib A: To restrict Download and Lib B to contribute). Thanks 🙂

@Eilaf-Barmarecreating 2 lib are fine with me, but what is the custom permission settings needed?

Hi John,

You can create a new permission level with the below options and share the library with this permission level:
