Error While identify verification

Copper Contributor

Hi, I'm trying to join a partner program, but while i'm trying to progress i stoped on Identity verification.

When i click on button fix now this redirect me to another page with message: You need permission.


I already have read this document: Get verifiable credentials - Partner Center | Microsoft Learn but didn't found nothing.

5 Replies

@Perassolli looks like others are having the same issue. I would recommend submitting a support ticket for help. in this post on Microsoft Learn it tells you specifics on what to select, I don't know if those are correct or not. 


I hope that helps? If you figure out a solution, will you come back to this string and let us know how you fixed it? 


Thank you for being part of the community! - jill



@Perassolli are you the global admin for your account? Maybe you need to be one to have the permissions? I'm guessing here, but maybe worth looking into? @MartijnElfers do you know anything about this type of thing by chance? 


Thanks in advance! 

Hi thanks for you repply, but i have a ticket opened withou answer: 2407250040010085.

@JillArmourMicrosoft, Yes I am Global Admin.

global admin.PNG

I'm not support or part of the verification team, so I can't really help you on this. I manage this community and don't know much about the verification process as I've never had to go through it. I know that's not helpful, I'm sorry!