Forum Discussion

Christian Taveras's avatar
Christian Taveras
Iron Contributor
Jun 22, 2018

Office 2016 Search

I have a few users that have noticed when searching for a contact  they get results that contain the keyword they are searching for but also get a bunch of other contacts that do not have the keyword.


I have been fighting this with MS for some time with no explanation or resolution.

Anyone encounter this behavior?  IT happens in OWA and the OL Client.

  • Damien_Rosario's avatar
    Silver Contributor
    Hi Christian

    What kind of keywords are your users using?

    Where are the contacts sourced? Dynamics CRM? Input themselves, etc?

    • Christian Taveras's avatar
      Christian Taveras
      Iron Contributor

      Contacts are in Outlook,  when the user searches for himself because he has a contact for himself with info he uses regularly.   When the he eneter his first name he gets tons of other hits.  I export one of the contcts that came up and they in no way had his first name anywhere in the contact card.  I could not understand why the contact would come up if the keyword was no where to be found.  MS is still spinnig their wheels on this.

      • Damien_Rosario's avatar
        Silver Contributor

        Hi Christian


        I've had something similar happen to me before so maybe check for the following.


        Look at the contact card of someone that is appearing in a search that shouldn't be there.


        Check each field for any space bar characters as you may find that an app (e.g. Dynamics CRM) has added or amended data to a contact card and has put heaps of spaces where it doesn't appear when you view the card, but shows up in searches as the keyword is out of sight.


        That one drove me nutsy for a while before I worked out that there were tons of blank spaces pushing the text out of view.


        I hope that helps?




