Forum Discussion

Steve_Ripper's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 27, 2020

How to migrate from Commercial tenant to Government Tenant with same domain name?

Hi All,


We have a government entity that is in a commercial tenant and I am tasked with getting them into a Gov cloud tenant with G3 licenses and the same domain. It is NOT a hybrid setup nor will it be at least for the migration purposes. I understand I cannot just "add" the G3 licenses to the existing tenant but must create a new Government tenant. I have done a large amount of Office 365 migrations but never a cutover to a Government tenant from a commercial one. Can someone weigh in and tell me if my plan will work?


1) New Government tenant with same users using .onmicrosoft addresses

2) Third party to migrate mail from existing Commercial to Gov with .onmicrosoft addresses

3) Delete domain out of Commercial tenant

4) Add domain to Government tenant

5) Verify domain in DNS

6) Point MX record to new Gov value

7) Change addresses for users from onmicrosoft value to original domain address

😎 New profile for users Outlook


The concern I have is in the moving the domain from the Commercial to Government tenant. I cannot find documentation or someone who knows if that is possible. I can easily picture a scenario where I delete it in the old one and cannot add it in the Gov while the whole migration is hanging in the balance.


Any advice or input is greatly appreciated..
