Forum Discussion
Where did the refresh button go?
Where is the refresh button on Teams? It seems to have moved a month or so ago, and I can't find it!
- Sieg_SandersCopper Contributor
Kate_KF It appears that on the Desktop version of Teams the "Expand Tab" and "Reload Tab" have been moved to sub-items under the "Files" command in the header ribbon. I still find the "Reload Tab" in the Menu ribbon on the Web version. Hope this helps
- BenB001Copper ContributorSieg_Sanders: Thank you pointing that out.
Pernille-Eskebo: This is a silly place to keep the Reload button. A couple of years ago, I could not find a way to refresh without clicking to another channel/site and then coming back (as mentioned above), which was ridiculous.
I was happy when the Reload/Refresh button was added earlier in the pandemic. Hiding it under the Files tab is a regression in usability, especially given how Teams does not auto-refresh like Windows Explorer (mostly) does. - Henke_SBrass Contributor
This also applies to tabs for Teams apps.
Expand tab
Unfortunately when in Expand tab mode there is nothing to click to Reload, as the tab itself is hidden.
A user has to:- Collapse (Quit expand mode)
- Click tab - Reload tab
- Click tab - Expand tab, to go back to the Expand tab mode
Often the Expand tab mode is used during presentations/shared screen mode to hide your personal list of teams for the viewer, breaking that mode during a presentation is not something you want.
Pop out tab
Using the Pop out tab for a Teams App will still have the Reload button available.
Reload button still available
The only "refresh" button I can remember seeing is presented upon connectivity issues, where exactly have you seen the button?
There is a refresh button still on the Files App (on the left hand app bar) in both the recent and Microsoft Teams views
However, its no longer showing in the files tab of a Team - as in, it looks to refresh automatically every time the tab is selected. You will be able to see it also when you click on another tab then back on Files. Had to do a screen capture to show you.
It also shows on most other tabs too including the wiki tab, planner tabs, web tabs, forms tabs, office apps tabs, pdf tabs - and probably most others too. Just looks to have been removed on the default files tab which, as said is automatically refreshing every time you access it.
Hope that answers your question!
Best, Chris
- Sandra McGechanCopper Contributor
ChrisHoardMVP So if I'm working in the Files tab and want to refresh (because I think a colleague has added a file), I have to click on a different tab and then click back into the Files tab to force a refresh? I'd much rather have the refresh button back!
- Mollys_dogCopper Contributor
Bizarre. It's not in the change log. Maybe they just 'forgot it. pretty annoying 😉