Teams Live Events Registration

Copper Contributor



we would like to hold regular webinars/live events touring our production facilities for an international audience. The essential part for us would be the ability to offer our audience a range of events to which they can register/sign up. The number of participants for a single event needs to be limited both ways: a min and a max of participants. 
After each webinar/live event, it would needed to have an automated survey / follow up sent to the participants. 
It would be great if there is some sort of automation for these requirements built in MS TEAMS but so far I couldn't locate it. 
Would you be able to help? 


Thanks in advance, 


3 Replies

@LovisOst Teams Webinars would be the way to go, they offer a registration capability and an attendance report that can be used to then follow up.


They don't have a minimum number of attendees, I'm not really sure how that would work in practice a customer, but there is a Microsoft List you could trigger actions from,


See TeamsWebinarsGetStartedGuide.pdf (

What is the limit of attendee registration in Team webinar .

Up to 1000 active participants if not using A1 license (300) if set you can have up to 20 000 listen only participants too!