Forum Discussion
Oct 20, 2022Iron Contributor
New Feature: Schedule Microsoft Team Chat Messages
In this video, I preview a new Microsoft Teams feature that was just added into the Microsoft Teams public preview program: the ability to schedule chat messages. Note that prior to the addition of this out-of-the-box functionality, Microsoft did push out a interface to Power Automate that allowed you to schedule chat messages to be sent at a later time (this video has a call out to this tutorial if interested). It is expected that this feature will be generally available in the coming months.
To use this functionality, simply navigate to the chat you want to send a scheduled message in and right click the send button. This will bring up a menu asking you to input the date-time. Some notable limitations as the time of recording this video: 1) you can only send a scheduled message to a recipient whom you have chatted with previously and 2) you can only schedule chat messages to be sent every half hour (i.e. you cannot input a custom time).
What are your thoughts about Microsoft’s approach to scheduling chat messages?
- sc1106Copper Contributor
It would make more sense to be able to schedule a message to "anyone", regardless of whether you have chatted with them or not. We have employees within our company that we may have never previously chatted with on Teams, but we want to wish them a Happy Birthday or work anniversary, and this current feature does not allow that. Makes NO sense at all.
- Cbune1977Copper ContributorThis still doesn’t work on the iOS Teams app. Pressing and holding send does nothing. When will the feature go live?
- MJV-WSUCopper ContributorI am using Version 23285.3805.2505.9215 the feature is there but it says "cannot use this feature until you send your first message" which defeats the point of using it on a new chat.
Case: It's Sunday and I want to delay a message until Monday morning, it's with a new group of 3 people. Doesn't work. - Renaldas KerpeCopper ContributorThe option is not there in the new teams 😞
- MJV-WSUCopper ContributorI see the feature inside Chat > Send right-click. Version 23285.3805.2505.9215 the feature is there but it says "cannot use this feature until you send your first message" which stinks.
- Hugh_R_HeinsohnCopper ContributorReally sucks that it's only partially implemented. I would certainly use this function in Channel posts much more frequently than in Chats. It seems Microsoft has a habit of partially implementing new features in ways that seem to make no sense at all from a user perspective. If you can schedule a Chat post, you should be able to schedule a post in a Channel in exactly the same way. Typical Microsoft UX fail.
- sc1106Copper ContributorI agree totally. In our company for example, certain people want to wish employees a Happy Birthday or work anniversary, and the way this feature is implented makes that impossible if: 1) You have never chatted with them before..(dumb rule) or (2) You are trying to send it on a Channel, which would be the most common because it would be a "company" channel. The people who implement these features have no forsight whatsoever.
- Scott_NZCopper Contributor
LuiIacobellis great feature, but annoying that it defaults to tomorrow rather than today - gets me every time. Would be good if they can configure it to start at the next 30minute slot on the same day, rather than 8am next day.
- VladImpalerCopper ContributorHow can I schedule a message at 7:30? Seems that it starts from 8:00AM
- ClifffertonCopper ContributorThe available times range from 8:00 am to 7:30 am. The list starts at 8 and ends at 7:30. Scroll to the bottom.
- Michelle_GumaeliusCopper Contributor
How can you delete a message scheduled on Teams Mobile that has not been sent yet? I see this functionality from my desktop but not mobile. LuiIacobellis
- LuiIacobellisIron ContributorMicrosoft just pushed this functionality out to the Teams mobile app a few days ago. When a message has been scheduled, you can long press it and you will see the option to reschedule or delete it.
- NiravViraCopper Contributor
LuiIacobellis Hello. I am new into MS world after a long hiatus. I wanted to check if beyond scheduling "new" posts, can I schedule replies to posts for later delivery on the mobile device (iPhone specifically). In this distributed world, we are trying to be respectful to time zones.
I have attempted "long press" on replies and it doesn't seem to popup the scheduling window, & google search brought me to this thread.
A response on if/when this would be considered is appreciated.
- MSUM_CliffertonBrass Contributordo you know whether the teams application needs to remain running in order for the message to be sent? If my computer is off, for instance, will the message still be sent at the scheduled time?
- CANDEmanIron Contributoryour computer / mobile does not need to be ON to have the message sent at the scheduled time.
- CANDEmanIron Contributor
LuiIacobellis When is this planned for release on mobile? LuiIacobellisIron ContributorI'm not entirely sure. It is long overdue though as this can be done on other major competitor platforms for a while now