Forum Discussion
Microsoft Teams News: Wiki Page Retiring in January 2024 & There Are Things You Must Do
- Mar 13, 2023
REVISED: Regarding the Wiki Libraries in SharePoint, the wiki pages will remain on SharePoint. However, the Wiki Page and App are not available in January 2024.
I created a video on exporting the Wiki libraries content to a zip file and opening the pages into a Word file as a BACKUP. It will be available later this week. I will update this post with the link when it is available.
Stay tuned.
Hello Teresa
thank you for your Information about wiki in Teams. Strangely I still can use wiki in Teams and there is no longer any warning. What does this mean? Did Microsoft change his mind?
I would be very thankful, if I can use wiki forder on, because I present the program for my students every day and this is much easier than with a wordfile.
Do you know, if plans changed?
Thanks for an answer
Come January 2024, the Wiki Page and the Application will be available to users.
If you like the simplicity of Wiki and have the budget, I recommend the Perfect Wiki App. Check out the video demonstration,
Microsoft Loop Functionality looks easy as well. I have not had a chance to use it yet. Stay tuned for more details.
- Nithya_LAug 31, 2023Copper Contributor
Hi pnthrzrule, @Teresa_Cyrus, KathyROI
Thank you for the Sharepoint - Page resources. I am new to SharePoint, so keen to understand how Sharepoint Page is superior to Sharepoint Wiki.Thank you again for your help.
- KathyROIAug 30, 2023Brass Contributor
Hi pnthrzrule, Nithya_L, and Teresa_Cyrus,
This article helped me transition from SharePoint WIKI's to Pages. How to build an awesome Knowledge Base Wiki in SharePoint Online using modern pages | SharePoint Maven
This site also has other great articles on how to.
- pnthrzruleAug 30, 2023Iron Contributor
Here's a playlist regarding SharePoint Pages in general.
- Teresa_CyrusAug 30, 2023MVP
Hi Nithya_L pnthrzrule,
I apologize for the delay in responding.
Michael is absolutely correct with both responses.
For Site Pages overview, check out this video:
- Nithya_LAug 29, 2023Copper Contributor
Many thanks for your quick turnaround. This greatly helps. While I am exploring " Site pages" learning material, can you please share if you have any recommendation/learning resources on site Pages.
- pnthrzruleAug 29, 2023Iron ContributorI don't think anything is happening to wiki pages in SharePoint. This thread is about wikis in Teams which is a totally different animal. Also, my 2 cents, don't use Wiki in SharePoint...use Site Pages, they are superior in every way. Good luck!
- Nithya_LAug 29, 2023Copper Contributor
Can you please help clarify what is happening to the Wiki in Sharepoint. We are planning to build a repository of documents on Sharepoint as wiki pages. Should we reconsider our plan and move to OneNote instead. Please help clarify.