Forum Discussion
Mar 18, 2020Copper Contributor
Link to join meeting (Teams)
Hi people, I'm wondering if there is a way how to obtain URL link to invite participants to scheduled meeting before the actual meeting starts. It seems there is no such a think apart of copying ...
Dec 01, 2021Copper Contributor
Michal_Horniecky - You can shorten the URL if you're careful. Here's a URL generated by Outlook for a Teams Meeting (I've changed some of the ID characters for security reasons):
Scary, right? Thing is, you don't really need all of that. I found that it wouldn't fit into a SharePoint List Link column ... too many characters. So I set about finding a way to shorten it. First thing, use an online decoder to get rid of the ASCII % characters. So that it looks like this:|01||a54e541aabef4472988408d9b4c111f1|ce56fae6055d4c9fb6c99d341506a491|1|0|637739563593131543|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0=|3000&sdata=cwpIaghts6DmHQYmmFliY06uP8o2NkCqOhBqof+/+uc=&reserved=0
There's still a bit of manual unencoding to do ... but first you can get rid of the last 3+ lines (red text). That leaves us with:
We don't need that Outlook preface (in red), either. So now we have a much shorter URL that still needs a little manual unencoding:
You can find a guide to the ASCII codes at W3C. Once you've unencoded the remainder, you're left with:{"Tid":"fe56fae7-055e-4c9g-b6d9-9a341506a999","Oid":"a5464a0f-b535-456c-bfef-04c1c5fbbc23"}
So the format is:
Thread ID -
Thread Message ID - 0 (has a value of zero because the URL was generated by Outlook, not Teams)
Tenant ID - fe56fae7-055e-4c9g-b6d9-9a341506a999
Organiser ID - a5464a0f-b535-456c-bfef-04c1c5fbbc23