File section on Teams showing "404 FILE NOT FOUND"

Copper Contributor

When in Teams, if I click the Files area (under Calls), I see "404 FILE NOT FOUND".


This is the case for the webapp, and also the desktop app. All users are seeing this.


File are still available in the channels, OneDrive and Sharepoint are working, this just affects the main File area.


The only change was that I added a custom domain and set the domain of the users (therefor their login) to be at that domain rather than the onmicrosoft one.


Not seeing any other issues in any other areas. I had a hunt around, and can't see a setting where this can be pointed somewhere, and the other people with the 404 error are related to specific documents.

2 Replies

@Andrew2180 same happening here 

did you find any solution?


I've just checked now, and it seems to be working - I'd not checked since posting, or done any actions to fix it. I'm wondering if the custom domain affected it and it needed a few days to sync?

Would be useful to know if you're also starts working again, and if you did anything before. Would be useful for others searching for a solution.