Fix for users experiencing duplicate Contacts



If you are a Microsoft personal account user and have both Teams and Outlook apps installed (and Contact sync enabled), you might observe duplicate contacts in Outlook due to a recent issue with contact synchronization. 


Status: Fixed

To help you get rid of these duplicates, Microsoft has released a fix which will automatically clean up your contact list. This fix will clean up duplicate contacts for end users starting August 9, 2023. Rollout of the fix to all users will take few weeks, so, some users may see the fix applied by the end of September.  

This fix will also lead to a reduction in the total number of contacts on your contact list. We will ensure that all information is retained and only contacts with matching information in all fields will be cleaned up. No action needs to be taken for the fix to be applied. 
If you wish to revert this action, you can reach out to Microsoft Support.
1 Reply



Thanks for this update.


In case users want access to Microsoft's Blog post on how Duplicates Contact feature works, here is the link.
New improved contacts in Outlook on the web - Microsoft Community Hub


Again, thank you for this post.


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